And it’s open! And it looks like we will have flowers on all three peach trees this first year. Cool!
If you missed Monika’s comment yesterday, go see the link she offered about keeping critters out: so intuitive, so obvious, so wishing I had thought of it, so glad someone did. Just collect those clear plastic clamshells that grocery store fruit often comes in–with those airholes so rain won’t collect, the guy points out–and snap one around each piece of fruit on the tree.
I wonder if a twistie tie to thwart raccoons will be needed too, but hey. Cool. Easy!
Wednesday, when I encountered all those men buying roses at Costco? What I didn’t say was that I shared an atrocious pun with one of their workers and he stopped right there in his tracks and just roared with laughter. Couldn’t ask for better than that. New employee. Didn’t know him. We parted with both of us chuckling.
Friday night , with other plans for Saturday, Richard and I got a little more grocery shopping done there.
Now, at Target or at least the one here, they have an electric go-cart that they hook up all the carts in the parking lot to in a line that then pushes them all back to where they want them with no more human muscle involved than a single cart’s worth at a time. Beep beep beep flashing light flashing light. Seems like a great idea to me, and I’ve never liked that Costco, which uses bigger, heavier carts, doesn’t do that; they have their workers attach a long leash to the one at the end and then pull, pulll, pulllll a long bunny-hop of them line-dancing back to the front of the store, with extra pains for where the tarmac is uneven.
As we got out of our car, it was dark and the guy on cart duty just ahead of us had on an orange vest with yellow reflective stripes. Good thing; his face, unlike mine, would not be one to glow in the headlights.
Same guy.
He got to the safety of the overhang and out of the way of potential oncoming cars (not to mention not wanting to lose his momentum) before he turned around to see what on earth was going on.
This time he was suddenly laughing out of surprise. There was that lady again with the bad pun, the gray hair and the cane, and this time she was at the other end of those carts.
Dude. I’ve got your back.
6 Comments so far
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I see you are out spreading sunshine! I love it!
and thanks for the tip about the fruit — I’ll pass it on to my daughter in hope that she needs it later in the spring for her plums
Comment by bev 02.18.13 @ 9:20 amPlastic clam shells! What a great idea!
So what was the pun?
Genius idea on the clam shells, and with others, I clamor for the reveal of the pun. Even as I brace myself!
Comment by twinsetellen 02.18.13 @ 6:05 pmI thought, I’ve got to remember that, that was one of my better ones.
It’ll come to me…
Comment by AlisonH 02.18.13 @ 6:20 pmLeave a comment
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