He had a sniffly nose and he didn’t like being in a strange place at nap time. He started to let it be known.
My sweetie had replenished my Peruvian hand knit finger puppet supply for Christmas. A bright, multicolored bird.
Ah bah duce, he confirmed to his mommy as she got out a bottle while I was quietly purse diving.
Richard and I offered the puppet to the parents. All three faces lit up. “Duck!” as the little one reached for it.
It was the perfect toy: new, soft, pretty, and just the right size for the moment. Â The dad grinned and gave a thumbs up.
I just wish I could thank the knitter in Peru. She saved their day.
6 Comments so far
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Oh but you just did… Somewhere in Peru, someone felt a warm sunshine kiss, no matter what the weather… (And three cheers and a hug for Richard for restocking!)
Comment by Channon 02.02.13 @ 5:56 amIt happens now and then; like two weeks ago in church. I have to replenish my supply.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 02.02.13 @ 8:24 amas always, you saved the day — your fellow travelers should be pleased with you too!
Comment by bev 02.02.13 @ 9:39 amMarvelous! Nothing like seeing a little one light up when it was unhappy. And kudos to Richard for restocking the ‘warehouse’.
Comment by Don Meyer 02.02.13 @ 10:45 amHooray for knitters around the world.
Comment by RobinM 02.02.13 @ 2:36 pmLife has been life, and though I’ve managed to resume blogging reliably, I’ve allowed myself to lag so far behind in blog reading that it’s like meeting new friends again to read my old favorites.
I thought I’d say hi, and I’m so very glad you’re still here blogging with us.
I hadn’t realized how much I missed you.
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