Some things you just have to take on faith. The back side of unblocked lace always amuses me by how it seems to have no possible relation to what the thing will be.
The pattern is a mishmash of doodle and old notes finally coming together. I thought I’d be out of yarn by now (Manos Allegria from Purlescence) but I’ve got 40 more grams out of the 100. So I’m knitting more and writing more and finding out more and I’m liking it more and more. (And this time it will be repeatable.)
It was the most colors I could think of to pack on the plane in one skein last week. It’s hard to put down.
8 Comments so far
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It will be fun to see the pictures of the finished product, she says, as she waits impatiently.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 02.10.13 @ 8:47 amLove the colors!
Comment by RobinM 02.10.13 @ 9:08 amI once heard knitted lace being compared to ramen noodles. Unblocked like a block of dry/raw ones and blocked lace like cooked ramen in relationship to the radical change that happens to both.
Comment by Barbara S. 02.10.13 @ 2:37 pmLeave a comment
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