Maybe you’ve already seen the video of the two-year-old who can sink a basketball so well. The kid is as good as a mom tossing a piece of mango peel across the kitchen into the trash: never misses. Baby giggles time!
Meantime. Don has a friend with lupus he wanted to give a copy of my book to, and so I drove over this evening to drop it off and we had a great visit. I just really hope I don’t end up passing on the germs of the guy who was sitting next to me on the plane on Monday.
And while I’m doing that hoping, blogs and emails are wonderful but in-person time beats all. Thank you for the excuse and the invite, Don. And for the knitters, two words: Stitches West!
(Oh and. I checked my peach trees today. The Tropic Snow has buds definitely swelling up and starting out, the August Pride, barely but it’s starting, and the Babcock is being a little more patient. It is the most amazing thing to plunk something so inert in the dirt and watch it coming to life!)
3 Comments so far
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ah yes, it’s nearly time for the trees in the Bay Area to start exploding into bloom
(I now hear a song in my head — “popcorn popping on the apricot tree”)
Comment by bev 02.07.13 @ 9:17 amYes, that was most enjoyable! Better than simply trading puns by email.
Comment by Don Meyer 02.07.13 @ 9:48 amI just love budding out. Even here in February I can see the formed buds and imagine them swelling. Go, Peaches!
Comment by twinsetellen 02.10.13 @ 9:36 pmLeave a comment
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