Filed under: Life
See, that spot that was supposed to be healed at eighteen months, it’s been bugging me more rather than less as of late and there’s a new one over here.
The dermatologist noted the raised crusty area at the edge of the indentation (I’ve been trying not to touch it nor irritate it, I told her) and apologized that she was going to have to take some of it off so she could see below it.
Hey, you do what you have to do.
Nope–no sign of the skin cancer returning. She was pleased. (She knows my daughter had melanoma at 29.) Everything else checked out healthy as well. She noted that I had new hair growing in at the spot, and it wasn’t till I got home that I realized that oh wait–she was talking about the floofy little mohawk coming back in from when my hair got sucked into the back of the hairdryer while we were defrosting the freezer last summer.
There are way worse ways to lose your hair. And it’s nice to be able to laugh over it.
The thumbprint in my skull is kind of strange and I guess permanent, but after ignoring that lesion for months till Sam’s wake-up call, I got off way lucky and I know it.
8 Comments so far
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You have a right-in-style hairdo.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 01.15.13 @ 8:37 amstep away from that end of the hair dryer!
glad to hear you got a good report from the doctor — since I grew up a mile above sea level I keep an eye out for skin oddities — so far I have only what my doctor calls “barnacles” — geesh, makes me sound like an old fishing boat!
Comment by bev 01.15.13 @ 9:08 amI was talking with a supervisor of a special needs school today and I commented that her fingers were blue. She ended up telling me about a pimple on her finger that she poked at, it got infected, and then septic and she was in the hospital close to death for five days. The moral of the story? Have a doctor check out those sores! You never know…
Comment by afton 01.15.13 @ 10:46 amYay! I can imagine your relief. Whew. Saw my doctor and asked about a spot, a bit of rough skin. He checked, grinned and promptly diagnosed “age spot.” I am thankful….but can’t they call it something else?
Comment by DebbieR 01.15.13 @ 11:55 amGood report is great news. Celebrate with chocolate…you won’t regret it. 🙂
Comment by Ruth 01.15.13 @ 1:02 pmSo happy you got good news! Thank you for sharing them with us. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.15.13 @ 8:00 pmLeave a comment
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