Filed under: Knit
Y’know, I mused to myself, if I hadn’t been stuck in an airport away from my other needles I most likely never would have started this with these–but I’m glad I did.
And then I made myself keep going, determined not to abandon the project again, even though I found the tightness with those smallish points a bit hard on my hands–it was a day when I just needed to finish something that would stay done. Even if I didn’t know what the next row was supposed to be as I went. Which is why it was just four more rows, four times now as I addlibbed.
I cast off at last, rinsed, and spread it out, amused: it is not the least bit what it was going to be when I started out, other than, well, red. And lace. But I really really like it. Can’t give it away till I make another one and write the process down this time–so that I can do it again and again after that, proofing and testing that writing. It’s a slow process. But it’s a good feeling to think, yes. This one will do.
6 Comments so far
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Well, if it’s red, it’s obviously perfect.
Comment by lynn 01.05.13 @ 8:00 amAh yes…. the process of designing, writing down what you did (trying to remember), reknitting and testing, hoping that the instructions make sense to anyone else.
In the midst of this right now with a lace scarf.
Comment by wildknits 01.05.13 @ 8:48 amawesome! now waiting in breathless anticipation (this is another book coming isn’t it?)
Comment by bev 01.05.13 @ 10:50 amSo what was it supposed to be, and what did it become? Absolutely nothing like starting one thing and getting something else!
Comment by Don Meyer 01.05.13 @ 11:10 amRed is a good color for just now. Finished is good feeling. So, all in all…good, right?
Comment by Ruth 01.05.13 @ 11:43 pmLeave a comment
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