Jeff and Brady
Saturday December 22nd 2012, 3:29 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends,Life,Non-Knitting,Politics

Part 1. Turns out my daughter has her own Piano Guy friend. He had no insurance and was saving his money to pay for the surgery he knew he needed but the stroke beat him to it. At 30.  Sam blogged a link to the effort to raise money for Jeff’s medical expenses and I’m passing it along.

Any amount is an emotional as well as a financial support and makes a difference. Thank you.


(Edited to add.)

Part 2. Later in the day I read that there is a surge of interest and donations to the Brady Campaign, with politicians and others coming through their doors who perhaps would not have been seen there before, asking what can we do to help? On Brady’s site, they decry the official NRA argument of it’s all guns vs no guns, setting forth proposed limits that most NRA members would find very reasonable.That we have had in the past. But to go on with no changes, now, even after Newtown…

Again, out came my credit card. My token amount was a small but present voice among the many.

I hit submit.

It took me very much by surprise how fiercely the feelings came, instantly. I had owned my voice. I had used my voice. I knew then that I will use it again. Our children and grandchildren need our every voice, and when they needed me I too was there for them, is the only way I can put into words how strongly good it felt: more powerful than, as Superman says, a speeding… Yes.

5 Comments so far
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Thank you Alison – and Richard – for raising daughters willing to follow your lead a take a stand and to reach out with great compassion. I’m sure your sons are just as awesome, but strong women really do make a big difference in this world.

Comment by Channon 12.23.12 @ 6:48 am

I’m not seeing a link to your daughter’s piano guy friend. Am I just bleary-eyed and missing it?

Comment by RobinM 12.23.12 @ 3:04 pm

RobinM–I had the same problem. Bad lighting, I think. The name “Sam” is the link.

Comment by LauraN 12.23.12 @ 3:34 pm

Hi Alison
Love reading your posts, but do not often comment. Had to donate to Jeff. I had a stroke almost 3 years ago…spent 23 days in the hospital and then went to o/p rehab for several weeks. I had insurance but then lost my job. COBRA was *expensive* but I needed to stay insured for as long as possible. As an aside, I only took piano lessons for a year (when I was 6) and haven’t had a piano for 10 or so years, and was able to play the one song I know (The Entertainer) while I was rehabilitating at my Mom’s house. Everything is possible! Merry Christmas!!

Comment by karen 12.23.12 @ 9:21 pm

Limits are good. I think it is a fight that has many fronts. Damaged people slipping through the health care holes, long borders impossible to police thoroughly make our country more dangerous than a smaller European nation might be.
The best we can do, the very best is use our voices.

Comment by Diana Troldahl 12.26.12 @ 7:39 am

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