Filed under: Knitting a Gift
No pictures yet. I did take a few but decided that that bit of lacework wasn’t quite ready for the party yet. I washed it, figuring I might as well see how it behaves for a tired new mom, and it was like superwash wool: the instant it hit the water, it grew. Temperature changes didn’t change that. (I experimented just just a little bit–usually with animal fibers, temperature changes+water+movement in the water=felting.)
Now, I know that superwash-treated wool will shrink back to size as it dries. I have no idea what mink will do. If it doesn’t, well then I just made a sweater that will fit that sweet baby next winter.
Which is all good, too.
(Editing to add, in response to Don, whose comment made me laugh out loud: yes, mink for a baby is definitely ostentatious. Which is what I wanted. This is for the baby my niece named after me, so I wanted to go all out.)
5 Comments so far
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Mink don’t shrink while they live and swim in the water.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 11.28.12 @ 8:30 amAnd…?? Anxiously awaiting the update to find if the mink wonderfully shrinks back like wool. And pictures! Hope you are having fun with the next project.
Comment by DebbieR 11.28.12 @ 11:54 amOh, that superwash! It is tricky. At least with a baby she will fit it eventually.
Comment by twinsetellen 11.28.12 @ 9:59 pmLeave a comment
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