Filed under: Knitting a Gift
I talked to someone today and then went through the stash and put aside what I was working on now that I knew what my needles had really been waiting for.
Tis the season. And I love this. Happy November!
(Ed. to add: I just did eight slow, careful minutes on the treadmill for the first time in a week. I’m not over that flu yet, but by golly I was tired of it telling me what to do. It felt so good. Didn’t faint. I’m going to embarrass Ruth again and say thank you for the treadmill! It does a body good.)
5 Comments so far
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Glad you’re slowly returning to normal! I need to pick up the needles again. Tonight.
Comment by Channon 11.13.12 @ 9:12 amVery happy to read you are winning the fight with the flu.
Sending healthy vibes (and some apple crisp) your way for continued progress, both in health and knitting projects. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 11.13.12 @ 6:57 pmLeave a comment
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