I can’t vouch for these, but the picture looks good and with that much sugar and butter you can’t go too wrong. Here you go: make your own Twinkies. (For those who haven’t heard, the market share of the Hostess ones had been going down for years and at the workers’ strike the company declared it the end.)
And then there was this article, while I was looking for the Newsweek one I read a few years ago. Ingredients mined in Idaho. Fourteen of 20 top industrial chemicals. Yum. Note the January date as it says that Hostess had just filed for bankruptcy.
And now I need to go cast off that shawl. (Edited to add: done!)
6 Comments so far
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glad to hear you got that project off the needles!! (and I put that Twinkie recipe on my Pin board — unfortunately, the demise of the Twinkie also means the loss of jobs)
Comment by Bev 11.17.12 @ 8:46 amI know, and I didn’t mean to make light of that. The new CEO had gotten his salary tripled and the previous CEO had made liquidation threats, so the bakers union honestly thought the new guy would just pull the same-old, same-old. But he didn’t.
Comment by AlisonH 11.17.12 @ 10:18 amI need Twinkies like I need another hole in my head.
It was some years ago when some shot and killed the Mayor of San Francisco. The defense lawyer got the guy off with the ‘Twinkie’ defense. Ack!
My teeth hurt reading that recipe! My mother always used to pack a Hostess snack in our lunch bags. Funny how that stopped when she developed diabetes and I don’t think I’ve had one since!
Comment by Deb 11.17.12 @ 12:39 pmthanks! I’ve been looking for one of these.
Comment by krys 11.20.12 @ 10:29 amLeave a comment
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