I decided I wasn’t eggsplatly going to do any more baking today.
I was, though, doing my treadmill time.
Why is it that at about the eleven or twelve minute mark during every session of late my brain sneaks up on me and all the sudden I realize it’s playing The Lion Sleeps Tonight in my head? The version that was popular in the ’70’s. While I’m a captive audience to the earworm. A weemuhway. Oh joy.
And there it was again tonight, starting right on cue. I glanced at the time and could only laugh: 11:03, the little stinker. Okay, so what to replace it with: catchy, or, something, what’ve you got in there? (Walk..walk..walk….) Okay, James Taylor, and I hit the on button in my brain. A recording made when he was younger of You’ve Got a Friend.
It was the perfect pitch I was hoping for. It even got me to walk longer while it played.
p.s. With a shout out to Ellen, who does beautiful work. Thank you!
5 Comments so far
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A weemuhway indeed (now you’ve got it stuck in MY head!!!) love that picture she included of the baby birds — such homely little critters until they are bigger, amazing to watch — and yes I work with yarn and beads, just not together!
Comment by Bev 10.10.12 @ 8:33 amThere are times I get a song in my head that I DON’T EVEN LIKE!
Comment by Don Meyer 10.10.12 @ 8:46 amMy son knows what kind of music sets my feet flying and has programmed my iPod for me with an all Latin flair for my walks. My favorite is “Carnavalera” by Club Med. talk about an ear worm! But it makes me keep a brisk pace.
Comment by Jody 10.10.12 @ 11:00 amAck! Earworms! I have a friend who I insists the only way she can get rid of hers is to call another friend and sing it to them. Silliest one for me is Patrick Swayze’s version of I’m Henry the Eighth from the movie Ghost.
Comment by DebbieR 10.10.12 @ 12:17 pmLeave a comment
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