A little looking around… It IS the same Greg Prince! I thought so! He and his wife threw a big bash for my dad at their home in Maryland when Dad turned 75, and all of us kids came into town for it. Lovely people, just the best.
It wasn’t long after Richard and I had done some remodeling, and I remember his wife in their kitchen telling me why trash compactors are a bad idea: you cannot access them while the pusher is down, for obvious safety reasons, but that means you can never really clean them. She’d given up and had had hers removed and replaced with a simple pull-down drawer. She was right.
Dr. Prince invented a vaccine for a form of newborn pneumonia that is now given to a quarter million infants around the world, saving many lives.
And he is a Mormon. Who knows Romney and has mutual good friends with him.
So he found himself interviewed by Lawrence O’Donnell after writing a cri de couer for the Huffington Post after the 47% video surfaced: he had donated the maximum allowable amount to Romney’s first presidential campaign, he said, but that was Romney 1.0. Romney 2.0 has utterly turned his back on the unfortunate. “That’s Republicanism, not Mormonism!” He was horrified at our church being equated with some of the things Romney has said and done in this campaign. “Mitt Romney is *not* the face of Mormonism.” Looking out for one another is what it’s all about.
Preach it, brother. And thank you.
In his latest ads, Romney’s been trying to prey on the fears of auto workers, telling them that their jobs are about to be shipped to China and to vote for him to save them. And yet he opposed Obama’s bailout that did save them at the time that private sources of credit had vanished in the bust, and Bain itself is right now shipping 100% of its American Sensata employees’ jobs to, where else, China. Despite being profitable here.
The heads of GM and Chrysler felt compelled to step up and publicly pronounce Romney’s ads about their products and companies wrong. They are doing quite well right here at home, thankyouverymuch.
Yet Romney is still pushing down on those same ads that are trash and he won’t come clean. And he’s certainly not improving as the pressure of election day gets closer.
Shall I mention that Romney’s family and friends invested in the last few years in Hart Intercivic, which sells voting machines? And that three of its five board of director members donated at least $50,000 each to Romney’s campaign? As reported by Forbes. Voting machines. With the owners of the company voting for one candidate with their money.
I’m with Dr. Prince. If a good Mormon ever runs for that office, more power to him, but Romney isn’t one. We do have a good President, though–and you don’t have to constantly guess which side of every issue he stands on. Please vote, and please vote for Obama. And a better Congress, too. Thank you.
11 Comments so far
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My personal experience with the Mormon religion has been one of people who put family above wealth and strive to help the weakest among us. I never, ever, think of Romney as Mormon.
Comment by twinsetellen 11.01.12 @ 5:58 amI did vote already…we still can vote early here. And for Obama. I, too, am apalled at the greed and advarice that Rmoney represents. He should be ashamed of himself.
Comment by Judy 11.01.12 @ 6:19 amRight on! Every day, it seems, I learn more about Romney and who he really is. I’m not impressed. He even used the Mormon church’s charity status to lower his tax bill. Go to Salon.com for that article. And vote for Obama.
Comment by DebbieR 11.01.12 @ 6:29 amStereotyping is always dangerous. For what it’s worth, I was hardly proud that Kennedy was Catholic… not that I was alive then, but even decades later, it’s still mentioned with an apology in the Big C.
Comment by Channon 11.01.12 @ 7:44 amyou’re preaching to the choir in this pew! we’ve been and voted and know that here in our little village we are vastly outnumbered, but we go anyway
it’s frightening to contemplate what will happen to the Supreme Court if Romney is elected — he’ll take us back to the “Gilded Age” and we’ll have to fight every battle of the 20th century all over again!
Comment by Bev 11.01.12 @ 8:08 amI was very relieved when my voter registration card arrived yesterday (having recently changed my address as the DMV it was a close thing). Not just the president of my choice is vulnerable, there are also several local and state initiatives that directly affect me. I was on tenterhooks waiting and hoping it would arrive in time. It’s too late for my usual absentee ballot, so it will be an adventure with my chair learning how prepared our new voting space is for folks on wheels.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 11.01.12 @ 9:01 amI, too, have already voted, and I will be most happy when next Tuesday rolls around. It’s kind of funny. The phone rings; I answer. It’s someone pushing one issue or another. And I say, “I’ve already voted.” Clunk!
Comment by Don Meyer 11.01.12 @ 9:22 amAt this point, I think the only thing Romney has going for him is being Mormon. Reading your blog has given me a far better informed and positive view of the LDS Church than I had in the past. Mitt seems to be a lost cause, though.
Comment by Beth in Maryland 11.01.12 @ 10:01 amVoted before I left for the UK. I firmly believe in the exercise of franchise. So many fought (both military and society) so hard to give us that right!
Comment by Anne 11.01.12 @ 1:48 pmno, thank you!
Comment by margaret 11.01.12 @ 8:44 pmThanks for mentioning that Romney is not the face of Mormonism.
Comment by RobinM 11.02.12 @ 2:45 pmLeave a comment
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