You just missed it, I told Richard this morning; the hawk just chased thataway. (Gorgeous picture at the link. Feather–and fan, said the knitter.)
Kissed him goodbye, walked back in here, and a minute or two later, there it was coming back again, swooping past the porch in front of me and rising up into the olive tree, wings and tail wide. I guess catching breakfast on the fly hadn’t quite worked the first time.
It observed my typing awhile.
Equinox is when day and night are equal; solstice, the shortest or longest day of the year. Next week is fall equinox and I always see Coopernicus more when the season draws close to those four times. It affirms its territory, it claims its place in the world.
By the light.
4 Comments so far
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great picture at the link — I can imagine how impressive he is when he swoops over!
Comment by Bev 09.15.12 @ 8:17 amSuch important times of the year, great times to be thankful for hawks.
Comment by twinsetellen 09.15.12 @ 9:33 amMagnificent photo!
Obviously Copernicus was right. Interestingly, Amalie and I were married on the spring equinox, which happened to be the 21st of March. Occasionally, we are told, it is the 22nd of the month, but never for us. Always the 21st!
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