Just found this chart with baby sweater measurements in detail. Thought I’d pass it on.
I called Trader Joe’s tonight, and their new batch of hazelnuts had finally, after weeks and weeks of waiting, gotten past FDA quarantine: yes, they were in.
Alright! And so my kitchen smells of toasted hazelnuts about to turn into homemade much-better-than-nutella, Michelle’s specialty.*
Meantime, going into the store ahead of me was a young mom with her curly-haired blonde daughter, about ten months old, absolutely adorable. She reminded me of Sam at that age–who, on being handed a helium balloon at a grocery store, spent the next week dropping things and pointing and staring at the fallen objects. DOWN! *That* one conformed to everything she’d learned so far in her life. Fall DOWN not up!
Walking in just behind them was a mid-20ish couple. They were very happy. They were clearly in love, clearly seeing their whole future together ahead–because they saw that baby in that cart at the same time and I saw both their faces light up instantly and then they turned to each other, sharing what to my eyes several steps away looked like happy anticipation. There was so much joy in that moment.
Between the bananas and the fresh-cut flowers I suddenly found myself next to that cart and I smiled and waved hi at the little one from just enough distance. She smiled back. Her mom turned just then, saw, and prompted her little girl, Wave hi!
She waved hi with an even bigger grin. She knew she was in for a treat: seeing someone becoming even happier because of something she did.
My heart melted. Such a cute little girl. I bet she’s a future knitter, too.
And I went home, and, having finished the hat, cast on for a baby dress to match. Hopefully. I was glad I found that chart.
(Note that Ryan is allergic to corn and most powdered sugars have cornstarch, hence the side note below.)
Hey Mom: I omit the oil, and reduce the sugar (remember we should have tapioca starched powder sugar). depending on level of chocoate-y-ness, up the cocoa to taste; not to exceed the amount of omitted sugar. I often omit the vanilla as well. http://www.latimes.com/features/la-fo-nutellarec11a-2009feb11,0,1158986.story -Shelle
7 Comments so far
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Ahhh, Ryan. Sissy feels your pain. Cornstarch, corn oil, corn meal on the bottom of a pizza…
And thanks for that baby size chart!
Comment by Channon 08.19.12 @ 4:11 amLove this slice of your life!
I am very happy when my angel gets smiles back from her attempts to make contact – it doesn’t take much to add joy to a day! 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 08.19.12 @ 7:29 amWhat a marvelous slice of life! But then why would anyone not smile at you?
Comment by Don Meyer 08.19.12 @ 9:00 amThanks for that chart!
I am finding that using a double-ended Tunisian hook allows me to craft with much less pain than knitting (using the manual wheelchair is doing a number on my hands) and blessedly I can write patterns, so many warm Wool-Aid kids will be helped by you sharing that chart!
My daughter dug into the nutella jars while she was home, and is even contemplating a nutella study break now she’s back at college. Must file that link for the future.
Comment by LynnM 08.19.12 @ 12:15 pmThanks for the link to the baby measurements. I found lots of other helpful measurements on the site, too.
Thanks also for the link to the LA Times recipe. On that site, I found a recipe for corn meal pancakes like my grandmother used to make. I may play in the kitchen, too.
My granddaughter didn’t smile when I gave her the cowl I had knit for her. But she did pat it in a satisfied way and announce that if she’d seen it in a store, she’d have bought it.
Comment by RobinM 08.19.12 @ 5:52 pmHow smart of Sam to notice that the balloon wasn’t following the usual rules and to try to figure out if anything else worked that way.
The measurement chart is very useful. We just found out that grandchild #3 will be a girl.
Comment by LauraN 08.19.12 @ 8:40 pmLeave a comment
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