What to make, what to make…
And then the inspiration: I asked Michelle, What do you want me to bake?
Her face lit up. Cranberry cake! (With me wracking my brain, had I ever made such a thing, is she remembering and I’m not, help me out here, hon.)
Yeah, cranberry cake, with molasses and. wait. but. not like the one I made it was too soggy.
I caught on fast that whatever she was referring to had to have been experimented with while she’d been away at school, because I was still at wai- what- ? I asked her where the recipe was?
Oh I found it on the Internet, but I need to modify it next time.
I walked out of the kitchen trying not to laugh too hard. Randomness. Ah my. All those cookbooks, and all we do is sit down at the computer and type into Google. And then when you find a really good recipe, you have to blog it so you can follow your own link to ever find the thing again. Cranberry cake? I’ve had a cranberry bar recipe for twenty-odd years and it’s one of her very favorites, but no, she wanted cake.
And so I found this one. (We skipped the kirsch.) No molasses in sight, but it promised it would be in the oven in ten minutes, with more cranberries than sugar. Sold!
It’s very good. Michelle and I might actually put a bit less sugar in next time (and we skipped the whipped cream and substituted Earth Balance for the butter so she could eat it, and we sprinkled two tbl brown sugar alone across the top for a crunchy topping) but hey. Good stuff. Red polka dot cake for my little girl.
5 Comments so far
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Yum. Nothing is tastier than cooking for one’s little girl, especially when she is a grown woman.
Comment by twinsetellen 08.12.12 @ 7:46 amMore joy for all of you – and for your pallet! 🙂
I get sunshine through this post.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 08.12.12 @ 8:06 amLeave a comment
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