Filed under: Family
I so love Skyping with Parker and his parents. Now we just have to figure out the angles so we can read him a book sometime, but for today, waving and reaching out to each other and giggling and chatting along with a little adult conversation on the side will do, and glad for it.
Suddenly thinking of my great-great grandparents who crossed the plains, covered wagons and all; once you’ve left, you’ve left. So close, so far away…
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I used to Skype with Moose but he enjoyed jumping around and watching himself make faces so much that I needed a big dose of Dramamine just to say hello! LOL, I’ll have to wait a little longer to have a conversation with him. By then Leo will probably take over in the wiggle department.
Comment by Jody 08.20.12 @ 5:11 amRead the book like we do in elementary read-alouds. Hold it up under your chin, facing the camera. He can see you and the book. You read by glancing down and reading upside down. Actually a very easy skill once you get the hang of it. Every elementary/special education teacher I know can read upside down, sideways, through the back of the page. We have our ways, we do!
Comment by afton 08.20.12 @ 6:08 amAre you familiar with the song “Kilkelly”? A folksong take on the issue. (Keep a box of kleenex handy of you watch this.)
We have Skyped with Peanut a couple times since she and our dear DIL moved away this month…technology is so very cool. I am glad to live in this time, even with all of its “crazy.”
Comment by Pam 08.20.12 @ 11:01 amTechnology does have its avantages – giggles are most certainly part of it!
Smiling with you and your loved ones. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 08.20.12 @ 5:49 pmTechnology is pretty fun, but you know, it can be abused. Hence, my caution, that you take care not to Skype to the loo, my darlin’.
(but really, if cell phones are getting used in washrooms, can Skype be far behind?)
(oh, my, another entendre in that last line, considering the location under discussion…)
Comment by twinsetellen 08.20.12 @ 6:08 pmLeave a comment
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