Filed under: Lupus
I bet not a lot of doctors say these things.
Scene: ten years ago. Cardiologist’s office after a tilt table test at Stanford, deliberately stressing my autonomic nervous system to see if it would react. It most certainly did; they stopped the test fast with the alarm sounding and a second doctor coming running as my blood pressure hit 63/21 on its way down. That cliche about the hearing goes last? It’s true.
Cardiologist: “I don’t often tell my patients this, but… You need to eat more salt.” (Acknowledging at the same time that the basic problem was the lupus’s effects on the brainstem. I am really really glad to have that particular problem mostly in remission now.)
Today. After discussing the cardiac complications from trying to be in the first few family photos outside in the sun last week–the heart is settling down okay now, no worries, just checking–I mentioned that my weight had been slipping and all my best efforts had only gotten it to hold steady at 110 the past month after going down relentlessly since February.
We discussed a bit. He looked at me. He hesitated. And then he said, “I don’t usually tell my patients this, but…
You need to eat more fat.”
I had a container of homemade chocolate truffles in the freezer already. I told him, that and a vitamin pill equals a can of Ensure, right?
He laughed and did not tell me no.
Maybe I’ll add a little smoked salt to the cocoa coating next time. Just to cover all my ganache bases.
9 Comments so far
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Now I want some chocolate covered pretzels.
Comment by LynnM 07.31.12 @ 11:21 pmI have more than few pounds I’m not using, you are more than welcome to them(if only it was that easy). Take care.
Comment by Kris 08.01.12 @ 3:34 amI’d happily send you some pounds if I could — oh, and some dietary fats as well — seems fighting my genetics means I will never hear a doctor tell me to eat more of anything!
Comment by Bev 08.01.12 @ 8:44 amMore salt? More fat? No, not the usual instructions. Now the nutritionist at Avenidas has me on Ensure to gain more weight. My doctor wants to know if that’s more fat or more muscle.
I’m about to email you an invitation that is right up your alley.
Comment by Don Meyer 08.01.12 @ 9:00 amWhat a great problem to have. I’ve been told there’s no need to avoid salt, but no one has encouraged me to add fat!
Comment by Channon 08.01.12 @ 9:56 amDoes DH share the salt-added chocolate truffles, or are they yours only?
Brava for thinking ‘outside the box’ – this will make most readers hoot with laughter.
You can always notch up your medical advice with the thought that you are an ‘interesting case’ – not the usual patient, but one that gets discussed at morning tea!
Comment by StellaMM 08.01.12 @ 3:11 pmOh, wow, you really are the zebra aren’t you? I would imagine it is not easy to just add fat to your diet, but your chocolate truffles sound like a great way to start. Meanwhile, like many above, and I believe Richard, I still struggle with enjoying chocolate, but limiting the fat. Luckily, playing with yarn & fabric counts as exercise!
Comment by DebbieR 08.01.12 @ 10:06 pmW & I met because a mutual friend had a metabolic disorder that caused poor energy metabolism. She had to drink 2 milkshakes with most meals, eat large quantities, and yet she was still tiny. It was hard, very hard on her.
Yet it was great for us – because it took her so long to eat, several shifts of friends would sit with her and one day W’s and my groups overlapped. The rest is history.
I guess your early silver lining is the truffle indulgence, but when that wears thin, I imagine another will pop up, and you will certainly be the one who points it out.
Comment by twinsetellen 08.05.12 @ 7:07 amLeave a comment
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