As the Eagles sang, Thought by now, we’d realize, there ain’t no way to Hyde yer Ryan, aye.
Ie, the kid can’t get off work and he’s not going to his cousin’s wedding with us.
Tomatoes. Water. Yes. He can manage that for me. (Gee, Alison, ya think?)
Yarn, yarn, decisions, decisions. Patterns? Needles?
(Ed. to add, I typed that, looked around, dithered, did my treadmill time, and finally said a prayer: who? With what? And suddenly I knew, absolutely, I knew. It’s all packed now and ready for me to get to it.)
6 Comments so far
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No knitting today. It is Mormon Pioneer Day, 24th of July, in our little town. About 200 folks live here and 5,000 come home for the 24th. Breakfast, Parade, DUP program, Rodeo. I am having a picnic for my high school class and 3 of my great granddaughters will ride in the rodeo.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 07.24.12 @ 4:44 amtoo bad Ryan doesn’t get to go, but it’s good that someone will look after your tomatoes!
happy knitting — travel safely
Comment by Bev 07.24.12 @ 8:36 amAfter reading that first line, I think I need to go lie down for a bit. Unfortunately, the song is now stuck in my mind. I can check out any time I like and all…
Comment by twinsetellen 07.24.12 @ 5:01 pmLeave a comment
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