Parker in the hotel crib last weekend after he let me snuggle him to sleep…
We took the freezer apart again. The resident small person who could squeeze into it got, well, drafted. This time, we knew that hairdryering the coils wasn’t going to keep the job done past a week even after all the vacuuming at the back last time, and after some fussing with a meter–after I got a connection apart and then put tips to tips while Richard behind me read the readoff–he was able to narrow down the cause to one, and a $70 part is on its way.
The two-day-56F milk has been tossed and replaced; things are cold again for now. I wonder if the mailman will deliver the defroster control box over next door.
The doorbell rang just after we finished up. Oh hello, come on in!
And then it rang again, only this time I was expecting it and helped Jocelyn puzzle out her sweater pattern.
Got to Purlescence, and… Got headed off at the pass. Just inside the door, Kaye and the visiting Anne warned me: someone was sick.
So I signed a book for Monica and then Anne and I walked back outside to catch up a bit. It had been too long.
What I didn’t know is that she had stopped by to drop something off for me: “You’re always making things for other people, so I wanted to make something for you!”
I was speechless. She loved it. I loved it. Thank you, Anne, and I hope you get your crabapple tree (from the comments there).
I wore it proudly to Trader Joe’s to get that new gallon of milk. I showed it off when I got home. And when Anne, while we were chatting, shivered a bit in the foggy air outside the shop, I told her I had this really pretty shawlette I could loan her for a moment… She laughed.
8 Comments so far
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It’s beautiful! And I bet you look gorgeous while wearing it! It’s too bad that someone was sick at the shop. I have a hard time understanding why people don’t stay home when they aren’t feeling well so as to keep others from becoming ill too.
Comment by Kelli King 07.12.12 @ 11:14 pmI was wondering why you disappeared! While I’m annoyed that someone had come to the shop sick, I’m glad you didn’t suddenly feel sick and have to leave (which was my first thought).
Love the shawlette – Anne’s a sweetie (as are you). 🙂
Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 07.13.12 @ 5:33 amIt’s Wingspan made with one sock weight Zauberball. Hope you enjoy it for many years!
Comment by Anne 07.13.12 @ 8:08 amthat is beautiful — and I’ll bet it looked wonderful on you
good luck with that part! the continual replacing of milk is not a good thing!
sweet picture of Parker
Comment by Bev 07.13.12 @ 9:44 amLeave a comment
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