Wednesday July 25th 2012, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Family
Filed under: Family
Jacqui loved the silk. Jacqui loved the moss green cashmere. (Jacqui was wearing ruffles down the front and so clearly she’ll like the one styled like that as well as the straight rectangle.)
I had decided already that I would offer her her choice and if she showed any sign of loving them both she would get them both because both were made for her anyway. I told her I’d guessed on colors from their engagement pictures.
She loved them. She was surprised when I said there you go. The best part was not only was she thrilled to own them, she was thrilled I’d made them for her.
My nephew picked himself a very lovely bride and I am so very happy for them.
5 Comments so far
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I must say you do have a knack for choosing the right colors for the right person!
Comment by Don Meyer 07.26.12 @ 8:05 amLeave a comment
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