Filed under: Family
We bought a cardboard playhouse awhile ago and it stayed in the box, waiting for its day.
Like the refrigerator box my dad carved into a windowed playhouse eons ago, remembered forever, it was a total hit. Parker and his three cousins loved it. (Their moms and other grandmother were here for their cousin’s wedding.)
He called me Gramma. He scrolled through pictures of himself with various family members on his grampa’s lap, taking particular interest in his Great-Grampa Hyde, whom he’d last seen at Christmas around his birthday.
He let me snuggle him to sleep.
Then this morning, again, I got blown kisses goodbye from his carseat.
I cannot wait to see them all again. Oh, and, yes, they were checking luggage so I got to send them off with homemade jam.
5 Comments so far
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I love seeing pictures of Parker and how he changing as he gets older. Those blown kisses are just so precious!!!
Comment by Joansie 07.09.12 @ 5:43 amWhat a cutie!! I’m so glad you had that time together. Stove boxes make great houses too…
Comment by Channon 07.09.12 @ 6:59 amParker is amazing! More! More!
Your mentioning the cardboard play house reminds me of the time many years ago when my nephew Jack’s little son Jimmy, after having a large box opened for him at Christmas to get to the toy inside, had a great time playing in the box. Jim now has two high school age boys of his own.
There’s that sweet face I love to see! It’s so cute that he can say your name now. Leo tickled my neck the other day and said “ticka, ticka!”
Comment by Jody 07.09.12 @ 10:18 amSo much joy! So much love! I’m glad you were able to enjoy such lovely moments.
No jars or pectin needed to preserve those in your heart, huh? 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 07.09.12 @ 12:10 pmLeave a comment
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