I went outside near dusk to set the hose going on the plum and apple trees–it does not rain in summer in California–and came back in. After letting it run about a half hour, I went back out there and, the hose being shortish, simply held it awhile to let it spray over thataway a bit too.
A male Anna’s hummingbird came darting in among the plum leaves near my face, making eye contact. No flowers here, hon, I thought at it. But that didn’t seem to be what it was looking for: it zoomed over to the arc of falling droplets, zipping through them over and over. An aerial birdbath!
I’ve been trying to remember to get out there and do that once a week. I just found my incentive. Hose-Anna!
7 Comments so far
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What fun! I would say, what a lark! but it’s the wrong kind of bird…
Comment by Marian 07.28.12 @ 10:09 pmso amazing those little birds — my friend in San Jose has had some hummers build a nest in the rafters of her porch several years — I don’t see them here, but I enjoy the other birds that frequent our yard
Comment by Bev 07.29.12 @ 7:50 amI guess you don’t whistle while you work so much as you hum…
Comment by twinsetellen 07.29.12 @ 7:53 amWhat an experience! Beautiful birds!
Well, it SELDOM rains here in the summer. Many, many years ago (I was under the age of 10) my dad decided to have some improvements made on our house in San Francisco. That required removing part of the roof, so he waited until August. It rained.
Fun, fun, fun! I’ve put up a hummingbird feeder this year…we get two friends that I’ve seen, but no idea what variety they are.
Comment by Ruth 07.29.12 @ 2:04 pmLeave a comment
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