The doorbell rang this evening. Wasn’t expecting anybody. It was Phyllis and her husband Lee, newly home from Morro Bay–small world, Nancy!–offering a small but potent sachet of fresh lavender from a grower there. (This looks to me like enough to protect any size yarn stash. My little sachet is 8g.)
I had to know if they’d seen… I told them there are two nesting pairs of peregrines on Morro Rock that sits at the edge of the land: one only hunts this direction, the other, only that, with a gentlemen’s agreement that neither shall cross into the other’s territory.
Lee: “We saw one!” Wayyy high up in the air, as they viewed it through someone’s scope; with his camera ever at the ready, “I got an eight pixel picture,” he laughed.
Sounds about right.
3 Comments so far
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Lavender works too? Maybe that’s why my stash is so safe… I love lavender.
Comment by Channon 06.03.12 @ 3:43 amMy, my! All these surprises. BTW, did you see Non sequitur in today’s comicsS
Comment by Don Meyer 06.03.12 @ 10:28 amAnd I bet that falcon could read the serial number off the scope with 8 thousand pixels.
Comment by twinsetellen 06.03.12 @ 2:49 pmLeave a comment
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