Filed under: Knit
It’s amazing how much knitting gets done when you pick it up in the morning and basically work all day with other stuff thrown in randomly but not too often, just enough so your hands get a break often enough. This is my fourth and best (yay!) and final (!) version of this pattern.
You over there–Hey. I hear you laughing.
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Who? Me? 😉 Four is my favorite number, simply because the first two “team jerseys” I was handed as a youngster had 4s on them…
Comment by Channon 06.09.12 @ 5:13 amand do you also see me rolling on the floor? I know about this “try it one more time” thing — it’s how whole series of art get created!
Comment by Bev 06.09.12 @ 9:03 amMe, laughing? Naw, well maybe just a chuckle here and there.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 06.09.12 @ 9:29 amWell, don’t look at me! I wasn’t laughing. Not at you, anyway.
Comment by Don Meyer 06.09.12 @ 10:06 amIt is amazing, isn’t it, how long a whole day is when it’s focused on one thing? (She says, having just finished a draft of a paper in much the same way…)
Comment by Jocelyn 06.09.12 @ 4:02 pmLeave a comment
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