I finally cast off on my blue silk shawl. I’d made two to give but really wanted to finally have one for me, too: gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous yarn. I had it soaking in hot soapy water to get the mill oils out like you have to do with coned yarns, and between doing that and when I got it blocked, the mail came.
I had sent the good folks at Colourmart a query as to whether they had any of their dk silk left in something close to white. There had been some previously, and Ravelry rumor says that sometimes there are extras not listed on their site. There were a couple of weddings coming up around here and I figured I could at least ask.
No, answered their Richard, but: and out of the blue (which, come to think of it, I almost am) he insisted on sending me two cones of a deep cream of wheat color. To play with. No no, it was on them, have fun!
Wait–what? But I– ! Okay, then, could I send them two copies of my Wrapped in Comfort: Knitted Lace Shawls book? (Whoa, looking at that link. Purlescence has them at cover price.)
Oh, just one, and that would be very nice…
Two can play at twos. One got signed to the good folks at Colourmart, the other simply signed. They can keep it; they can use it as a prize for a Ravelry competition if they don’t need the extra; they can play with it however they want.
Today’s shawl was out of just one cone. Two recipients and everybody who loves them are going to be blessed by their generosity, people they will never meet are going to be happy just because they wanted it to be so. They put some good in the world.
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I can’t wait to make it worth their while.
5 Comments so far
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How wonderful! You and them, both. And shawls made with yarn from my favorite seller. Doesn’t get much better than that.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 06.19.12 @ 7:23 ammust.see.shawl!!! and wow, what fun you’re going to have knitting up more of that wonderful yarn
Comment by Bev 06.19.12 @ 8:09 amIt always makes me happy to hear about the generosity of the Colourmart people. And hearing you turn it back on them, and expanding theirs to others, makes me even happier. Thank you!
Comment by twinsetellen 06.19.12 @ 7:40 pmLeave a comment
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