Filed under: Life
Everybody has days like this.
Baking soda. Lots of baking soda. Costco-sized baking soda.
I was supposed to drop my car off at the mechanic today, but when I described to him the broken jug of milk the night before and how I thought I’d gotten it all till I opened the door again in the morning… Baking soda, trying that… (And it did help a lot, but not enough yet.)
“Tomorrow,” he told me, hoping hard, I’m sure; today, though, mmm, not so much.
And then the fridge decided to throw a house-warming party.
I think I need to go knit.
(Ed. to add, and then I decided to be helpful and try again with the hairdryer on the freezer coils, most of which happened while I was at knit night. Did you know the back of a hairdryer could suck your hair into it? I did not. I know now. And yes, there were a fair number of hairs that after everybody’s best efforts for quite some time could only be cut off.)
7 Comments so far
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Oh and wasn’t the “aroma” of burning hair as “pleasant” as the sour milk?!!!
Comment by Jody 06.15.12 @ 5:57 amYou have to have hair for the hair dryer to suck it in… 😛 Love ya! -MBJ
Comment by morgan 06.15.12 @ 6:12 amI did know that the back of a hairdryer could suck hair in. I found out the same way you did…!
Comment by RobinH 06.15.12 @ 11:22 amEnzymatic cleaner that you use for pet accidents will help with the milk. Enzymes will eat it up. Naughty hair dryer!
Comment by Susan stambaugh 06.15.12 @ 9:43 pmOh. Eww and ouch. I do so sympathize. Been there and done similar. Once tried to curl my hair around a skinny round brush. And blow dry it. Not a smart combo. And then there was the time while working on a copier, I got a bit too close to a cooling fan. It yanked a dime-sized spot of hair faster than I could move away! Hurt so bad I thought I was scalped. I do hope the hair dryer trim wasn’t too bad. And that the fridge is back to cooling.
Comment by DebbieR 06.15.12 @ 10:29 pmLeave a comment
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