Thank you Supreme Court. Now my daughters can reliably get health insurance and can pay into the system for it.
Speaking of which. I’ve had an easily-flaring laryngitis that has seemed autoimmune-related for four months now.
I got to see Dr. M today for the first time in three years and secretly wished, as he came in, that my hair still had that youthful dark sandy color–just a few gray hairs on him after all these years.
Got a tube down my nose and throat briefly and I thanked him: he gave me a topical anesthetic first. The ER doctor I encountered at Stanford, who simply shoved it down, could definitely learn from him; he’s a good one. After that one experience I did not know it could be done gently, but in Dr. M’s hands it was a breeze. Just making sure nothing serious was going on.
And with that cleared and out of the way, he stopped and looked at me a moment and said, wonderingly: “You never change.”
Wait, wait–I’m the one with the gray hair! It wasn’t till about two hours later that it hit me–remember that inadvertent eyelid lift that cost me my grandma eyes when I had the skin cancer cut off my scalp? Too funny.
We swapped small grandchild news. His daughter has twins on the way? Then I’ve got some soft hats to be knitting soon, and prayers to add for their safe delivery. Twins! Very cool. To life!
7 Comments so far
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No, YOU haven’t changed. Your hair may have, but you haven’t.
Oh, there’s nothing like a doctor who knows what he or she is doing!
Comment by Don Meyer 06.29.12 @ 8:38 amWhat a lovely visit. I’m so glad that so many of your doctors have that “human touch.”
Comment by Channon 06.29.12 @ 9:31 amDo you know what the anesthetic was? Was it a spray that smelled like bananas, squirted in your throat? I’m an ER nurse and I confess I usually just put the tubes down– didn’t really think about an alternative. Would like to know how to do it better.
Comment by slimsdotter 06.29.12 @ 2:04 pmI was surprised and happy about the Supreme Court decision, too.
And I am kind of partial to twins, myself. 😉
Comment by twinsetellen 06.29.12 @ 2:48 pmI am thrilled with the court’s decision — hopefully it means that I will be able to get insurance next March instead of waiting another 3 years for Medicare — awesome!
and I’m sure you’ll knit amazing hats for those little twins
Comment by Bev 06.29.12 @ 7:27 pmfully agree – as another mother with adult offspring ages 21 & 23 who (thank goodness) still have health insurance.
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