Filed under: Family
It is 6/6/12. Now, if you could take the two sixes, turn the second one around, draw that number 1 across the top with the bottom of it as the rear fender and the 2 above it providing the rider in race mode, you’ll have it: my son on a bicycle.
Actually, the word bicycle itself kinda looks (especially if you flip the e onto the top to be the rider’s smiling face and the l to be its arms) like one pulling a baby trailer with the little traffic flag flying at the back.
Which totally fits.
It is our son’s birthday, he of the bike and baby trailer and of letting his Grampa go first. We Skyped; Parker said “Hi” and put his pacifier in, eyes wide, when his dad asked where his ears were. Heh. We knew he knew. Then he decided it was okay to be shown off and he was all ears. And nose. “Where’s your mouth?” A plug for a plug and acute of the cute.
After awhile, he decided enough of this not-here–BE here! And he tried to climb into their screen so we could really be together, and maybe even get a hug!
Workin’ on it, kiddo, workin’ on it.
Happy Birthday, little Richard!
5 Comments so far
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Best wishes for many happy and healthy returns to your son!
You always seem to find a way to celebrate life and it seems like June really makes it easy on you to do so. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 06.07.12 @ 7:01 amHappy birthday to Richard the younger. Love that Parker is getting articulate…
Comment by Channon 06.07.12 @ 7:09 amah yes, birthday celebrations all around — hope Richard had a great day —- my daughter did!
Comment by Bev 06.07.12 @ 8:41 amA Happy Birthday to Richard the Younger, and where are the pics of Parker? I’m trying to visualize that 6/6/12 with all the instructions, but I’ll have to give it a try.
Comment by Don Meyer 06.07.12 @ 9:08 amLeave a comment
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