I drove to San Jose near sundown to see the peregrines in person; it’s that time of year. I didn’t get around to it last year and I wasn’t going to miss it again–it’s the birds but it’s also most definitely the people.
Old friends were there: Eric, the gifted photographer who gave me one of his photos two years ago; he let me see the babies on the ledge through his camera on a tripod. They would flap their wings mightily and then hop down and back into the nestbox with their siblings (via the streaming video Alicia had on her Iphone), not ready to take off like the one that oh oops fell over backwards yesterday while preening on the ledge and had to start flapping fast. That was Cobalt, and he has flown well since then–and he had the sense to stay put all night last night. He has gained some altitude in his flights, something they have to learn fast.
Meantime, the three surviving San Francisco fledglings are soaring happily.
Debbie and her sister Gerri (did I spell that right?) arrived. Debbie had come from Reno, and I was very honored that they both made a point of seeing me. Two hats, one knitted like feathers. I wish I’d had one for Eric and everybody else for that matter, but it was okay; he already had an official one, a baseball cap with a falcon embroidered on it. Hard to beat that.
And a good evening was had by all.
Three to fledge yet here. Tomorrow will be a big day for them.
5 Comments so far
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Getting together with old friends, meeting new friends of the air – seeing new life grabbing hold of the world, sounds really great!
Comment by twinsetellen 05.19.12 @ 5:13 amsounds like birds of a feather flocking together — (ducking and running!)
Comment by Bev 05.19.12 @ 7:10 amOr to paraphrase all of the above, good to meet with friends, feathered and otherwise.
Comment by Don Meyer 05.19.12 @ 8:52 amWe’ve had our excitement with baby birds this week too. My daughter brought home 3 orphan birds that we cared for overnight before taking them to a bird sanctuary. (see my blog at:http://peacethroughknitting.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/flexibility-or-i-must-be-doing-something-right/
Comment by Greta 05.19.12 @ 4:23 pmLeave a comment
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