Filed under: Life
It was dark already. The doorbell rang. Three boxes: a Kringle with “A gift for you” printed on the outside, another with a return address of Mrs. Fields cookies, and a plain brown To Be Discovered.
No UPS truck, rather, the Christmastime UPS bicycle brigade, a great few-days’ job for kids on winter break, and the young man already back to his bike called out to me from the dark, Season’s Greetings! Have a happy one!
Thank you! You too!
And another project got finished today too and is blocking. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good knit. (Um, all? I’d better, like, *really* hurry up…)
I’m picturing those bicycles rigged up as knitting machines cranking out as you pedal, creating tall socks ballooning behind them to alert drivers like the flags on those baby carriers. I gotta get me one of those. Hey, Santa? I want one. In Rube red and Gold-berg.
4 Comments so far
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What a great visual image! Love it.
And Merry Christmas to you dear, have a great New Year if I don’t rattle my keyboard at you between now and then.
Comment by afton 12.23.11 @ 7:38 amYou have got to quit eating those spicy foods just before bedtime.
Such an imagination!
What fun! Beats the “what’s that?!” garbage bagged mound of parcels thrown into the flowerbed around our mailbox at the roadfront… Don’t know if it was UPS or USPS… but at 11:15pm in a downpour, the Knight was NOT amused.
Comment by Channon 12.23.11 @ 8:29 amSo! You want a Goldrubeberg contraption. Rotsa ruck.
And the most Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you (or as they might say in another part of the country, to you all).
Comment by Don Meyer 12.23.11 @ 9:52 amLeave a comment
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