The office-ial word
Thursday November 10th 2011, 11:57 pm
Filed under: Family

And it is almost 11:00 pm and we just walked in the door.

Richard just read that sentence and closed his eyes. Yeah. That about sums it up. But: at least, given that we got it down to Decisions Must Be Made, all but the cast-off got done on my project as I coached: Stay or go? Or sometimes, Toss or go?

Boxes closed up and we packed it in.

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getting home at 11 pm makes for a very long day — hope all is well

Comment by Bev 11.11.11 @ 9:22 am

Hope you slept in this morning!

Comment by Channon 11.11.11 @ 9:26 am

I have no idea what this post is about (I apologize for being so far behind on my blog reading) but I hope you were able to get some rest today.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 11.12.11 @ 7:45 pm

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