An “if only I’d had the Flip camera…” moment.
There’s a difference in how all the birds hanging around the feeder flit away in the triviality of nothing at all, just because someone else did, and then amble right back a moment later, vs when it’s for real. When they move that fast in a straight line, they’re all about the intense escape attempt.
That kind of movement caught my eye and I turned to see: the squirrel in the tree leaped away just in time and the Cooper’s, which had to have been right there all along unseen by it or me, apparently decided to go after something on my single-story roof above my head.
It swept out of that tree, not even paying attention to the bushytail that was trying so hard to get away, and swooped down low for stealth, then pulled up right before the awning to snatch whatever it was going after, all of it in an instant.
But what that means is that I glanced up just in time to see a brilliantly lit up, beautiful big hawk as it burst into the sunshine from the trees–and then it was heading right straight towards my face! Till the last second. I got to see at warp speed my Cooper’s from a flying angle totally new to me and to see its determination eye directly to eye as a squirrel would for the last time.
I froze in utter awe at the force of Nature that it is. I felt quite the empathy for those squirrels. I hope it was a great meal.
p.s. (Photo from August.) There is nothing in the world like a Skype chat with Parker and his parents now that he’s old enough to remember us and to break into gigglefits when we smile and to wave back at us. Love it. Love him. Our daughter-in-law and son are doing a great job.
4 Comments so far
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Is that Parker in the photo? He looks so big already! We have a hard time Skyping with Moose because he puts on a “show” and watches himself in the little image on the screen. I’ll have to get Amanda to turn it off. LOL!
Comment by Jody 09.15.11 @ 5:22 amOh wonderful! What a fabulous gift. There’s nothing like the adoration of a very little person…
Comment by Channon 09.15.11 @ 7:33 amWHOA!! To have that Coopers coming straight at you! Aren’t you glad you weren’t the target!
My, my, Parker is getting big. Does he start school next week?
Comment by Don Meyer 09.15.11 @ 9:18 amisn’t it amazing how quickly our grandsons are growing!?
thanks for sharing the word picture of Coopernicus — amazing
Comment by Bev 09.15.11 @ 11:24 amLeave a comment
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