Filed under: Politics
Sometimes The Onion gets it exactly right. Now we just need our lawmakers to. Send in the eighth grade civics teachers!
And I finally found an actual source, a good 25 years after I first read the children’s story Ladle Rat Rotten Hut over the DarpaNet. Now you too can heifer kayak in either tune.
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Oh, I do remember that and there were a few others.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 07.28.11 @ 6:58 amCivics. I hear the word is making a come-back… It was called social studies and then government when I was in school…
Comment by Channon 07.28.11 @ 6:59 amOh, that is why Neil was packing his bags last night, he’s the emergency back-up 8th grade Social Studies teacher!!!
Comment by Afton 07.28.11 @ 7:08 amOh my, yes, obviously these folks in Washington didn’t have the great teachers my daughter had in the Los Gatos school district — her senior year the final in her government class was the same test that people who want to become citizens take — she passed with flying colors, but I doubt a lot of the current representatives or senators would
and someone should tell me where it was that we went from needing just a majority — that is just ONE VOTE MORE — to pass something — geesh
Comment by Bev 07.28.11 @ 8:05 amRe the civics teachers — I hope it isn’t too late to teach old dogs new tricks. Boehner’s comment “It’s too hard” has to be the most stupid comment I’ve heard out of Washington, and that is saying something of a town better known for stupidity than anything else.
Bev, my late wife was a speech teacher in the Los Gatos School District.
You can have your cake and eat it too?
Comment by Don Meyer 07.28.11 @ 9:05 amAl is a credentialed social studies teacher who has not been able to find a job in either Vermont or California. The emphasis on math, science and special education in teacher hiring, and de-emphasis on humanities, means that there are a heckuva lot of people who couldn’t find Los Angeles or San Francisco on a map, much less have a clue as to the function of government and its operations. Al wanted to teach social studies (second career) because he is passionate about history and government, and was basically thrown away. His comments about the current state of government are generally delivered in Army Creole, so I won’t repeat them here.
Comment by Patricia Day 07.28.11 @ 9:21 amFirst of all, I live two hours’ away from the stomping grounds of “The Onion”, FWIW. Go, Civics teachers! Heh.
Secondly, though, I share your love for “Ladle Rat Rotten Hut” and had found a webpage of it years ago, after wearing out and losing a mimeographed page of the story from college.
Every time someone says, “Well, well, well!” I immediately mentally start into ({“Wail, wail, wail”}, set disk wicket woof, “evanescent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut!” (Note, the woof sounds rather Southern to me.)
But I don’t think it was this page I saw then, because I don’t remember “Sinker sucker socks pants, Apocryphal awry!” (Sing a song of sixpence)
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I’m losing it here. I’m going to go around muttering, “Apocryphal awry!” all night!
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