Winging it
Sunday June 26th 2011, 10:27 pm
Filed under: Wildlife

God’s answer to my interminable wait for the biopsy report.

That’s two evenings in a row: I saw my Cooper’s hawk flying across the yard to the right, chasing dinner–and a moment later he surprised me by flying right back and perching on the back of the chair in front of the feeder to look me in the eye for a goodly minute. I would have set it there long ago had I known he would like it so.

Tonight I was walking into the family room with its wall and a half of glass and saw him after a finch and away; I sat down, glad for my hawk sighting for the day, when again he immediately turned around and came back, landing this time on the patio, looking not for prey but at me–but his view was a little obstructed there, so he fluttered up to that chair back.  He seemed to clearly want to look me in the eye again.

From maybe a dozen feet away. Glorious.

He shuffled his feet, wiggled his tail, settled in. Tucked his head down, still eye-to-eye, lifted one of those giant feet of his and scratched himself behind the head, casually fluffing those neck feathers up. All relaxed, looking for all the world as if he were about to launch into a story for me.

Pull up a chair and welcome home. It’s all good here.

10 Comments so far
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Good way to spend the ‘wait’ time

Comment by Ruth 06.26.11 @ 11:01 pm

Alison, how does it feel to be the creature in the zoo?

Comment by LynnM 06.27.11 @ 1:25 am

Honey, you have a totem! And *he* came looking for *you*!

Comment by Lynn 06.27.11 @ 4:43 am

knit. it helps.

Comment by afton 06.27.11 @ 6:00 am

Again, we have to knit to stay sane. Finding things to be grateful for, is good exercise, too. Hawks, included.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 06.27.11 @ 6:11 am

Knitting really IS therapy. Love the totem comment though!

Comment by Channon 06.27.11 @ 7:31 am

Lynn, your ‘zoo’ comment had me in stitches!

Ahem. This IS Alison’s blog. So how DOES it feel to be the creature in the zoo?

Enough, enough! I wish you the best on the biopsy report, and enjoy your friend on the other side of the glass.

Comment by Don Meyer 06.27.11 @ 8:10 am

yes, your guardian hawk is watching you!

yesterday I saw a new pair of birds in our back yard — blue jays! and every new bird makes me think of you

keep knitting — we’ll keep praying

Comment by bev 06.27.11 @ 8:50 am

wow! What a moment. And two of ’em!

Comment by Lene 06.27.11 @ 9:15 am

If you could speak hawk, just think of the stories you’d hear. And the gossip.

I believe birds are the biggest gossips around.

Comment by Patricia Day 06.27.11 @ 1:04 pm

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