Sibling reunion, coming up
Sunday May 22nd 2011, 10:53 pm
Filed under: Family,Wildlife

I called my neighbors, who used to keep a birdfeeder so I knew they were interested in such things, to tell them there was a quail standing on the fence between us if they wanted to see it.

Oh yes, was the answer, we’ve seen him for a few days now–he keeps looking in our windows. Who would ever have thought a quail would show up!

And as the man was saying that, the little guy jumped off the fence and came running straight to me, again skidding on the patio in his rush to come say hello just as fast as he could. I love it.

I finally figured out what his funky running gait, profile, and staring in remind me of: the penguin in the Wallace and Gromit “Wrong Trousers” movie. Only way prettier.

Meantime, I continue to knit like crazy towards this coming weekend. I just need to remember to photograph all the projects I’m not blogging individually about before then. That closeout-priced cashmere I just finished up–chartreuse? For my family? Teal dye tomorrow, first thing.

I was talking to my older brother on the phone two days ago and said, By the way. Did you get the BYU alumni magazine that just came out?

The one with Jimmer on the cover? Yes…

Go over to it for me, wouldja?

Walking that way now…

Okay, now, open the back cover.

*Opens back.* Ohmygosh–is that?! It IS!!!

Yeah, he grew since the last time you saw him. Been too long. Can’t wait to see you!

(My son entered an essay contest at school and won. It’s now quoted from in an ad for the Independent Study department, along with a photo of him; he took some classes that way while serving as a congressional intern while he was an undergrad.)

8 Comments so far
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It’s amazing how fast children grow, I was talking to my niece(she is 6 years younger than I am)she mentioned that her daughter who I just saw in the fall of last year is now 5’11”, she is only 14! she had a huge growth spurt over the winter.

Comment by kristy phipps 05.23.11 @ 6:54 am

I just did the same thing. I hadn’t even looked at the ad inside the back cover. And I haven’t seen your son for ages. And you can’t always recognize a Hyde when you only see half of him (so you can’t tell how tall he is) but there was his name too. So yes, definitely him. I guess he’s eating into his 15 minutes of fame.

Comment by LauraN 05.23.11 @ 7:21 am

Congrats! That’s fun.

Comment by Channon 05.23.11 @ 7:37 am

Seems like quite a talented family. Interesting. My nephew Jack is only 6 years younger than I. When he was born, and I was told I was an uncle, I refuse to believe it. I said I was too young to be an uncle.

Where are you headed for the sib reunion?

Comment by Don Meyer 05.23.11 @ 8:53 am

If the quail reminds you of the penguin in “Wallace & Grommit”, how about his name, Feathers McGraw, for the bird?

Comment by Alix in MV 05.23.11 @ 9:29 am

Wonderful! All of it, the quail, the shawl, your son being published..

Comment by Diana Troldahl 05.23.11 @ 9:52 am

Heh…fun for you, possibly embarrassing for him. Grin…just the way a mother likes it!

Comment by Ruth 05.23.11 @ 5:55 pm

I had the same thought as Alix in re: the name, and the same thought as Diana in re: the wonder!

Comment by twinsetellen 05.23.11 @ 7:00 pm

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