Now I can finch the job
Tuesday April 26th 2011, 10:55 pm
Filed under: Life,Wildlife

A chance conversation today led to my finally spelling out the thought behind my standard phrase of, it all works out.

Meaning, not just that something was meant to be, but more specifically that despite all our human efforts vs our failings, our sacrifices vs our screw-ups, God can make good use of it all when our genuine hope is to do right by each another. And sometimes He even makes use of the worst in us (about halfway down there)–pretty humbling stuff, that.

I got stymied and stopped on a project about a year ago. I wondered what on earth was wrong with me when I’d put so much effort into designing it; getting it to feel right shouldn’t be so hard.

And today I knew why.  I’m so glad things worked out the way they did!  (This female house finch let me come right up to it today, holding still for me as it studied the yard at long length like I’d studied those stitches; I managed somehow not to scare it off even in opening the door and going back inside.)

I’ve put the knitting down for the night now and am sitting here marveling at… More in a few days.

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I found that sometimes a project just needs to be thrown into the closet until it can learn how to behave.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 04.27.11 @ 6:35 am

Glad to see other knitters have time-outs too. No coincidences though… 😉

Comment by Channon 04.27.11 @ 8:11 am

Hi Alison, please contact me at this email so i can ship you your yarns from the book exchange. i could find your email address or home address and seeing your comment made me remember….how embarrassing ! Thank you.

Comment by qiviut-queen 04.27.11 @ 8:42 am

I clicked on “the worst in us” and got … Parker? No, no!

Putting things aside also applies to writing. Often when I’m writing a book review, I’ll be stuck on how to phrase something. I learned a long time ago to word it any old way, continue, and the right way will come to me later.

Comment by Don Meyer 04.27.11 @ 9:16 am

It is amazing how things tend to work themselves out, once we stop worrying at it like an old bone. I don’t know why it is so hard to “be patient and let time pass,” but it is.

Comment by Patricia Day 04.27.11 @ 9:52 am

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