Living in a tall person house
Saturday April 30th 2011, 10:34 pm
Filed under: Family

Michelle’s home, Michelle’s home!

And she came home by way of visiting her brothers for a few days (they live about an hour apart), reporting from my aunt that her granddaughter Abby loves loves loves her purple cabled hat. (Abby told me too.)

It was Michelle’s first chance to meet Parker: she swoons over his adorableness and his fine manner of pronouncing “Goo” towards all things agreeable.

We were talking away in her room this evening, catching up, and in the conversation I mentioned hey, we should consult a dictionary. Got a paper one in here? (We looked at each other and laughed; we’re so old school, you know.)

Sure, Mom, to the right, top shelf up there.

Okay, I knew immediately what was coming but it didn’t occur to her: I grinned, went over there, stood on my tippy tippy toes, the ends of my fingers brushing but barely as I tried to grasp the bottom of the book’s spine. No can do.

She giggled as she realized she’d forgotten that small detail–Mom’s short.

Give Parker another ten or twelve years and he’ll tell me I am too. I can’t wait!

Meantime, he is demonstrating for the Pappa-razzi how to do this hat thing in the proper royal style.

11 Comments so far
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LOL…I am one of the two shortest people in my family these days…at 5’7″. My boys love to show me how short I am re top shelf issues…even the one who is my same height can reach higher than I can due to his longer arms…

Comment by Ruth 04.30.11 @ 11:13 pm

Parker is just tooooooo cute.

Comment by pat Flores 05.01.11 @ 3:52 am

Oh those sweet cheeks! What is it about sweet baby cheeks that they just beg to be kissed?

Comment by Jody 05.01.11 @ 5:56 am

Pappa-razzi. Groan. 😉

Yay on having Michelle home! And yes. Short person living in a tall person world. Much merriment and the occasional frustration. Just how tall is Michelle, anyway?

Comment by Lene 05.01.11 @ 8:59 am

look at that adorable child! nice hat he’s wearing even though its not one you knit

isn’t it amazing how fast they’re growing?

Comment by Bev 05.01.11 @ 9:35 am

Parker, pic #1: Ok, Dad, the song goes like this …

Parker, pic #2: All right, youse guys, don’t nobody move!

Well, now, let’s see. I’ve met Michelle, briefly; I’ve met Sam, briefly; have met Richard; haven’t yet met your sons. Maybe some day.

Comment by Don Meyer 05.01.11 @ 9:41 am

So glad you have her home again. Did she like her time in the area?

Comment by Diana Troldahl 05.01.11 @ 11:19 am

LOVE that hat photo. What a photogenic guy!!

I just smirk every time the Knight stubs his toe on my step stool… The alternative is the kitchen remodel. Hint, hint…

Comment by Channon 05.01.11 @ 12:42 pm

What a prince!

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 05.01.11 @ 1:46 pm

my 12 year old is almost my height now, and I’m not considered short – I’m a perfectly reasonable 5’6″. But the boy will pass me shortly. As much as his Dad laughs, at this rate of growth, it won’t take long for him to be passed…

Comment by Sandra 05.02.11 @ 8:24 am

Hearing about a loved one via a loved one is almost as lovely as one being with the first loved one oneself. I’m so glad you are enjoying time with M!

Comment by twinsetellen 05.02.11 @ 4:03 pm

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