Filed under: Lupus
Zofran, an anti-nausea med, is a wonderful thing. I just need the earth to roll over in its bed a few times to get over this. I’m at least not as sick as yesterday. My in-law who wanted a chemo cap, meantime, called to report that it had arrived safely, that it fits her just right, and that she feels very elegant in it. I could not have asked for better.
Thank you all for all the well-wishes. It helps, it helps a great deal. My apologies for not doing a good job of answering, and now pardon me, I’m going to go fall back into bed again.
16 Comments so far
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Thanks for your report. Glad that today was a less-sick day. I’ll add Zofran to my list of things for which to give thanks. Oops.. A relative grateful for knitting is wonderful too.
Hope you feel better tomorrow.
Comment by robinm 03.16.11 @ 9:10 pmYou poor thing! Good to hear you’re on the mend again. Take care, and rest as long as you need to. Never mind the e-mails, you’ve got better things to do!
Comment by tinebeest 03.17.11 @ 1:30 amA bed is a wonderful thing too. Use it.
Comment by lauraN 03.17.11 @ 2:42 amLeave the springing-forward to the rest of us. *You* fall back as long as you need to.
Comment by Lynn 03.17.11 @ 4:51 amZofran helped me through my 9 months of chemo – very effectively. I’m so sorry you’re sick! Sending love and healing thoughts your way – I hope you feel better soon. XO
Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 03.17.11 @ 5:54 ambetter living through chemistry! glad the Zofran is helping
hoping you’re up and back to knitting soon
Comment by Bev 03.17.11 @ 7:58 amdon’t even worry about replying to anything, just rest and get well again. Sending you love and gentle hugs.
Comment by Lene 03.17.11 @ 8:02 amBe well, and quit worrying about replies! We’ll all be well-satisfied when you post “Today, I feel great!”
Comment by Channon 03.17.11 @ 8:11 amApology accepted, and entirely unnecessary. Besides, you did respond. Glad you’re feeling better.
Comment by Don Meyer 03.17.11 @ 9:01 amNo reply necessary. Just rest and get better. You know, you scare me sometimes, along with that rotten daughter of mine who did it yesterday, too.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 03.17.11 @ 9:04 amMy thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! Think of it as the last gasp of winter . . . you just need to hibernate for another week or two until it’s warm enough to throw out buds.
Comment by Lanafactrix 03.17.11 @ 9:22 amGinger? Also, helpful : the Bioband bracelets for traveling. Bonus with them is that they do not add chemicals to one’s body.
Comment by Gigi 03.17.11 @ 10:28 amHey, take care of yourself! Better yet, let everyone take care of you.
Comment by Deb 03.17.11 @ 10:57 amConcurring with others – grateful for the update, no reply needed. I’m sending big healing energy your way, powered by cayenne infused peanut butter.
Comment by twinsetellen 03.19.11 @ 1:06 pmLeave a comment
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