Yelling Fire
Thursday September 09th 2010, 10:23 pm
Filed under: Friends

My prayers go out to those on San Bruno Mountain. (I’m not sure what that link will look like by morning; it’s being updated constantly.)

My Monterey shawl? The first one was knit for my friend Michelle, who knows and loves the living things that are along the edges of the tides.

Her husband is a firefighter and he is probably up on that mountain.  I am saying prayers for him and for so many others.  I am holding my breath.

The current report is that a 24-inch gas main blew up in a residential neighborhood this evening and spread to ten acres so far.

8 Comments so far
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So very sad! Prayers to all of them.

Comment by Joansie 09.10.10 @ 4:45 am

This morning 173 homes have been damaged because of this fire. I heard mention of gasoline, not sure. There was another boom. This time in Minnesota.
That so called pastor is at it again,going back on his word about burning the Koran.

Comment by Kris 09.10.10 @ 5:40 am

Adding my prayers to yours!!!

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 09.10.10 @ 7:08 am

Prayers to be sure. Your wildland fires are scary out that way, but with our rain deficit and the 13% humidity, we’re on our own fire watch!

Comment by Channon 09.10.10 @ 7:31 am

Several years ago, construction workers nicked a gas main and blew up a house in Cupertino. They had to shut off gas to most of Cupertino and a huge chunk of San Jose to fight the fire. Our friend was home alone until he felt a really, really strong need to go buy new screws for a project instead of hunting around in his junk jar. On his way out, the construction workers told him there might be a problem, and he told them that no one else was in the house–so they knew it was empty. He was on his way back, nearly home, when the house blew up. He watched it burn for a couple of minutes, then whipped out his Cupertino emergency credentials and started directly traffic. Eventually, one drawer of one huge oak chest was discovered to have survived. It contained baby photos of the couple’s only child, letters from the wife’s deceased mother, and the wife’s wedding kimono. They rebuilt the house so that it will be the last one standing in California, no matter what happens. Then their son-in-law moved his wife and the grandbaby to Chicago, so they sold it and moved to Chicago too. And you know what, life is good now.

Comment by LauraN 09.10.10 @ 8:43 am

The amazing thing about that San Bruno explosion is that the destruction wasn’t worse than it was. It did not spread down the hill, nor did the wind shift and send the flames into the eucalyptus trees a short distance away. That could have been a double catastrophe.

Comment by Don Meyer 09.10.10 @ 9:20 am

The Minnesota natural gas explosion destroyed a home, but no lives, thankfully (according to NPR reports). I understand the same isn’t true in San Bruno. My concern joins that of others…

Comment by twinsetellen 09.10.10 @ 12:16 pm

The last I heard, there were still some folks missing. My prayers go out to all those who have been so badly affected.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 09.10.10 @ 2:24 pm

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