Face-book’em, Danno
Thursday August 05th 2010, 11:53 pm
Filed under: Politics

I wrote a post. I’m still thinking about it.  (Moral of the story: never, ever comment on a politician’s FB page; there, it is not a family discussion.)

Learned my lesson.

(The sound you just heard was my entire extended family snorting in disbelief.)

(p.s. Yeah, I went back and deleted that comment.  There is, literally, no point.)

9 Comments so far
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Sounds like you maybe had emotional irrational response to a political comment. Well, THAT’S hard to believe!

Comment by twinsetellen 08.06.10 @ 5:29 am

ROFL. Got caught, didja?

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.06.10 @ 7:39 am

Hmmm… This sounds like an interesting backstory.

Comment by Jocelyn 08.06.10 @ 8:10 am

snort indeed! no, politics is often not G-rated, but it is important, so sometimes we MUST go there

(and anyone who has been watching your blog should have figured out that you have strong opinions on things!!)

Comment by Bev 08.06.10 @ 9:06 am

Perhaps you will be willing to privately circulate the story? Curious commenters can just ask you to bcc “the rest of the story.”

BTW, I was FURIOUS the other night. There’s a public service message that is aired during commercial slots on TV showing teens messing around, then driving, and then of course showing that what seems like harmless fun can lead to death. That’s not my issue. At the end of a teen soap before the 7 o’clock news, there was a clip of teens messing about, then driving fast and laughing, one kid stood up in a convertible without a seatbelt, waving arms—and then it said listen to Channel 4 Radio Summertime. WHAT?! It practically, no DEFINITELY condoned illegal and highly risky behavior. I tried to complain immediately online and my comment wasn’t logged but lost. This made me incandescent with rage! I’ve calmed down and no doubt others have also complained but I could not believe the idiocy of the channel that broadcast the dire warning producing an ad that glorified the same dangerous activity!

Anyway, I don’t know what prompted you to comment when you did but I know that “must comment” feeling.

Comment by LynnM 08.06.10 @ 9:17 am

There’s an old saying I’m trying to remember, and it goes something like, “Engage brain before opening mouth.” I think most politicians should adhere to that rule.

Comment by Don Meyer 08.06.10 @ 9:40 am

Hmmm – very interesting indeed, I’m sure! g

Comment by gMarie 08.06.10 @ 11:45 am

To clarify my comment – I assume Alison’s comment was highly rational, and from her post, thought she might have received some emotional, irrational “feedback”.

All the best,

Comment by twinsetellen 08.06.10 @ 11:46 am

There’s nothing like a good flame-war. If nothing else, it can keep one in popcorn. However, it is, perhaps, best not to engage the highly emotional or those who can twist “Good Morning” into a declaration of war.

Comment by Patricia Day 08.09.10 @ 1:22 pm

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