Filed under: Non-Knitting
I’ve been trying all day to think of how to post about today while still following Thumper’s Admonition.
Hmm. I will say that having raised four teenagers (who are all perfectly lovely adults now), I know that the angrier a person gets over something that is unreasonable, the more you know they know they’re in the wrong.
Stanford blew it. Today I finally got through to someone with authority in accounting who was as appalled as I was–and gave us her name! Who acknowledged that yes, I had paid my bill in full and right away, sorry for issuing a duplicate billing instead of the requested receipt, it’s all fixed now.
If ever there was a day I needed a knitting pattern that required a lot of attention to help me take a deep breath, well, I’m glad I had Monterey to work on afterwards. I got to where I’d been going to stop, decided it was still too short, and just kept on knitting.
Richard came home from work and made me laugh. I so much needed that.
I have just one more row calling me (unless I go on again…) and then the castoff.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll show off the finished shawl.
11 Comments so far
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I like to knead bread when I’m in that kind of mood. Punch. Punch. And the dough can take it!
Comment by LynnM 07.16.09 @ 12:40 amWouldn’t Mr. Rogers’ show have been different if he had taught knitting for anger management, instead of punching a pillow? Giggle!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 07.16.09 @ 5:19 amI can’t believe how fast you knit! There must be smoke coming off your needles!
Comment by Jody M 07.16.09 @ 6:25 amWell, I’m glad that’s settled, but what a shame it took MONTHS to get that way. Glad you did have just the right knitting project to help you focus.
Comment by Channon 07.16.09 @ 6:32 amglad to hear you finally got someone with a brain to listen to you!!
while I was in CA I bought some wonderful silk yarn to knit a lace scarf with (picture posted here: )
I’m looking forward to working on it while I’m recovering
thanks for the ongoing inspiration
Comment by Bev 07.16.09 @ 7:38 amOh, it is ever so gratifying when you find someone who not will listen, but do something about it.
To make you laugh, I hope:
This story took place when there used to be scales on the street that, when you stepped up and dropped in your coin, would print out your weight and fortune.
A couple was walking down the street when the man spotted just such a scale. He stepped up on it, dropped in his coin, and when the printout came out, read what it said: YOU ARE WISE, HANDSOME, SUAVE,AND DEBONAIR. His wife, reading this over his shoulder, said, “They got your weight wrong, too!”
Comment by Don Meyer 07.16.09 @ 8:48 amGlad it all worked out!
Comment by Pam 07.16.09 @ 9:05 amBless their hearts. (good grief)
In the South there are two instances where that phrase is appropriate:
1. When someone brings joy to others.
2. When someone (or some entity) is functioning, yet, a brick shy of a full load.
Yay that it’s all cleared up, and Yay for someone taking some level of personal responsibility. It makes SUCH a difference to the way I feel when dealing with this kind of thing.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 07.16.09 @ 3:22 pmKnitting is the ultimate de-stresser in my book:)
Comment by TripletMom 07.16.09 @ 6:31 pmLeave a comment
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