The camera battery died, the post office was closing, so this photo will have to do for here. I can’t go to Sock Summit, much though I wish I could, but my shawl will–if you go, say hi to Karin at the Periwinkle (my fingers want to type it as Peregrine) Sheep for me. This is her soft sock yarn, knitted in the golden-eagle-wing-inspired Constance pattern,with the colorway coming together in a way that reminds me of Clara and her brood.
Speaking of which. There is another nest right here in my own town, and as I was coming out of my doctor’s office this morning, what should I see but a gorgeous peregrine falcon soaring directly above me, coming closer in than I’d ever seen any before, not in the dim light of dusk but with the bright sunlight glowing off its feathers. It was absolutely breathtaking.
And nobody else seemed to look up to notice it at all. What they missed!
12 Comments so far
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The color & pattern work together beautifully! What a scrumptious shawl:)
Comment by TripletMom 07.07.09 @ 6:04 pmThe shawl is beautiful.
Glad that you were able to enjoy the falcon. For sure, others don’t know what they missed.
Comment by Joansie 07.07.09 @ 6:31 pmOh Alison! It looks beautiful! And it is perfect for that blouse! You look terrific!!!
Comment by Jody M 07.07.09 @ 6:32 pmI cant decide what looks the most lovely the shawl or you;)you look so pretty keep the pictures coming.I will be away July 12-26th then no more trips for awhile.You are always in my thoughts.(((((Hugging You))))) Darcy
P.S. I bought on my trip Euroflax linen and no sheep for you book going to knit the bubbly curtain in the Mason Dixon pattern book and tips for joining skeins would be greatly received;)
Yes it is a beautiful shawl. Know what I noticed on Karin’s site? Her pictures embiggen (hint, hint. )
Comment by LynnM 07.08.09 @ 1:17 amAbsolutely beautiful.
At my real time knitting group last night, daughter Judy told everyone the story of “Alison and the beautiful dyed yarn for mom’s sweater” story. When they asked “Alison?” she rolled her eyes and said “Alison! The famous knitter!” and they almost chorused “Oh. Alison! Alison who knits the shawls!” So, Alison who knits the shawls, you did a beautiful job again. 🙂
Comment by afton 07.08.09 @ 4:39 am“Alison who knits shawls”…like “Dances with wolves”. It’s an honorable moniker. Well done!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 07.08.09 @ 5:11 amBeautiful! I think you need to get Richard to take a photo for you with his grand camera; those colors suit you beautifully.
Thank you for continuing to celebrate the little things, like seeing a rare bird overhead in an unexpected spot!
Comment by Channon 07.08.09 @ 6:29 amWhat a wonderful picture! Brings sunshine in my office. 🙂
Thank you for reminding us to pay attention to things and ppl behond those we see at eye level, right in front of our nose. The universe is filled with events that can make us smile, if only we moved our heads and opened our ears along with our hearts.
I hope you got more good news from the doctor!
Comment by Suzanne 07.08.09 @ 7:47 amGorgeous shawl. You look good in bright colors.
Question – Do you attract the birds, or do the birds attract you? That had to be a thrill seeing that peregrine falcon!
Humor: You may recognize a couple of repeats.
(as written by children—misspellings and all)
~ Adam and Eve were created from an apple tree.
~ Noah’s wife was Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark and the animals came on in pears.
~ Moses led the Jews to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread which is bread without any
~ The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.
~ The seventh commandment is thou shalt not admit adultery.
~ Moses died before he ever reached Canada; then Joshua led the Hebrews in the Battle of Geritol.
~ The greatest miracle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.
~ David was a Hebrew king who was skilled at playing the liar. He fought the Finkelsteins, a race of people
who lived in biblical times.
~ Solomon, one of David’s sons, had 300 wives and 700 porcupines.
~ The people who followed the Lord were called the decibels.
~ The epistels were the wives of the apostles
~ One of the oppossums was St. Matthew who was also a taximan.
~ St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony which is another name for marraige.
Comment by Don Meyer 07.08.09 @ 9:06 amThe shawl is just beautiful! I love the pattern and colorway. I need to make that one. 🙂
That was a very cool bird experience!
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.08.09 @ 11:21 amyay!! it came out so great!! AND IT ARRIVED AT MY DOOSTEP TODAY! I feel so lucky.
I promise I will take good care of your/our 🙂 shawl when I take it to the Sock Summit.
I have to go read the card again you sent with it to fully comprehend….
Comment by karin 07.10.09 @ 1:48 pmLeave a comment
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