Re last night’s post, I almost deleted the whole thing; everybody has billing bugs from time to time, and how boring is that?
But that second paragraph demanded to go up, somehow. I don’t know if it’s because I have a dear friend who was a battered wife for too many years (not anymore, thank goodness), but whoever it was for out there wherever you are, it was for you. But then I felt I had to give enough context to explain where that one was coming from.
An oddball twist came with today’s mail, and for once I am totally on Blue Cross’s side: someone put in a claim (surely someone simply keyed the wrong code) of there having been cardiovascular surgery done on me two weeks ago. On a day I was quietly sitting at home going nowhere in particular. And the charge for said supposed surgery?
Nineteen dollars.
Blue Cross demanded and got a $19 discount on that one and assured me there was no co-pay. Um, yeah. Ya think?
Meantime, the Monterey Sea Silk shawl, as soon as I rinsed it and laid it out and the lace patterns were settled into their proper places, had me going, And THAT’S why I knitted this! It felt like just one of the most gorgeous things I’d ever made, the way a finished project is supposed to feel like, and I wanted to dance on the spot. It was late, I only rinsed it rather than a serious blocking, but still.
I’m following it up with a scarf out of topaz Camelspin using the same lace stitches in a straight line rather than a circle, just to hedge my bets on which article of clothing the recipient might prefer. Either way, I’m quite happy with it.
10 Comments so far
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Stunning yet again! The speed & accuracy of your needles astounds me.
Comment by TripletMom 07.16.09 @ 6:34 pmAnd, well you should be. That is truly gorgeous!
Comment by sherry in idaho 07.16.09 @ 7:14 pmNineteen dollar surgery? Where was the hospital, in Lower Slobovia?
I must admit, as ignorant as I am about knitting, that the shawl looks beautiful on you.
The couple had been debating the purchase of a new auto for weeks. He wanted a new truck. She wanted a fast little sports-like car so she could zip through traffic around town. He would probably have settled on any beat up old truck, but everything she seemed to like was way out of their price range.
“Look!” she said, “I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds or less, and my birthday is coming up. You could surprise me!”
So, for her birthday, he bought her a brand new bathroom scale.
Comment by Don Meyer 07.16.09 @ 7:45 pmI didn’t think you could get anything in a hospital for $19!! Surgery? Somebody made a big mistake and it makes you wonder how many others are being made out there…health care reform, please!!
You really need to get Don some yarn and needles…he just can’t relate to what we’re sayin’ here, lol!!
Comment by Cathy (catsandyarn on ravelry) 07.16.09 @ 8:40 pmOh, and sorry, got too full of what I wanted to say about health care – that shawl is gorgeous, on you and even lying on the paper! Love that color and you were right, it was perfect for the pattern!!!!
Comment by Cathy (catsandyarn on ravelry) 07.16.09 @ 8:41 pmAgain, you make me smile… and that is a much welcomed feeling after a day spent in bed because of a migraine. *sigh* I felt gradually better each time I talked to my husband and/or took an Advil. I guess we (you and me) married well, huh? hihihi
You communicate your enthusiasm so well! I am happy you are happy (!) with the result of your work. I hope I am as proud of my shawls when I knit them as you are of yours. 🙂
Be well!
Comment by Suzanne 07.17.09 @ 6:18 amRemarkable!! You are so very talented. I can’t wait to see the scarf.
Comment by Channon 07.17.09 @ 6:30 amSure everyone has billing bugs, and some are more quickly resolved than others, and you don’t have to pretend to like them! But if they motivate you to make such beautiful shawls at a quicker speed, then maybe we should wish you more (fixable) bugs! Pretty, pretty, knitting!
Comment by LynnM 07.17.09 @ 9:14 amsurgery for $19 bucks??? Wow, that’s deal and a half! Not sure I would want to be the one having cut rate surgery, though. Glad it wasn’t you 🙂
Comment by Carol 07.17.09 @ 12:38 pmLeave a comment
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