Filed under: Family
Having bragged on my grandmother yesterday, I’m going to add a bit about my grandfather. I think his eulogy was one all politicians should aspire to.
Grampa died at 95. The man who had been his chief of staff back in the day spoke at the funeral, and one of the things he said was this:
As a young man working for Grampa, he’d been approached by the frustrated staffer of another congressman, who told him, “You don’t know how lucky you are.” The guy said that when a vote came up on the floor, “You always know how your guy is going to vote. He always votes his conscience.”
The man he worked for, on the other hand, he said, would hide back in the coat closet to watch how the vote was going and then add his voice in only when he knew which side was going to be the winning one.
That congressman never got that Grampa’s way of living his life triumphed over any momentary appearance of success.
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Bravo! Too bad the fence-sitters of today won’t stumble across this and learn a lesson. No one is impressed with a person who throws her hat into the ring only when the outcome is clear.
Comment by Channon 07.04.09 @ 1:52 pmWhat’s interesting is those same kind of people are the first ones to distance themselves from their vote when the voters protest or the legislation turned out to be a very bad idea.
Your Grampa set a very good example and I wish we saw more politicians like him!
Comment by Cathy (catsandyarn on ravelry) 07.05.09 @ 8:33 pmLeave a comment
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