The trajectory of a simple act of kindness goes beyond what its giver can ever know.
I was debating leaving the cast-off row here as a bit of mindless work to do at Purlescence’s Knit Night tonight, and laid the project out a moment to look at it and decide.
And laughed at the tune from my childhood that instantly popped into my head as I noticed the outline I hadn’t been trying to set up but did: M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E. Mouse ears, dimples, and a goofy smile via the cast-on row!
It’s all Robin’s fault. Remember when she surprised me with those dishcloths in cream and gradations of earthy reds? Knowing that I love such things but hate to knit cotton, myself? Those extra bits of unexpected friendly color in my day helped propel Karin’s shawl into getting finished, and then, with that not feeling like quite enough, now this one in Lisa Souza’s baby alpaca/silk in Ruby. The blue I’d planned to work with next suddenly wasn’t doing it for me; it had to be this yarn for this shawl after Karin’s. Something in me needed to respond to Robin’s gift with colors in kind in celebration.
I wonder what the rest of its story will come to be.
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M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E. WOW! Did THAT bring back memories! Here I am writing on my blog about a few things when I was in the army stationed at Fort Lawton, and that phrase reminded me of the more-than-once times when I would go from the Orderly Room, where I worked, to the Day Room across the path to get a soda or something, and here would be a bunch of our soldiers awaiting shipment gathered around the TV, watching — you guessed it — M-I-C, K-E-Y, M-O-U-S-E.
Other fun:
Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.
Q: I’m two months pregnant now. When will my baby
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.
Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a
baby’s sex?
A: Childbirth.
Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that
sometimes she’s borderline irrational.
A: So what’s your question?
Q: My childbirth instructor says it’s not pain I’ll feel during labor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.
Q: When is the best time to get an epidermal?
A: Right after you find out you’re pregnant.
Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word “alimony” means anything to
Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.
Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby’s diaper very quickly.
Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife
begin to feel and act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.
I love the way your mind works!!!! lol
That yarn looks very very comfortable. I need to find a class where they explain the different types of yarn…
Comment by Suzanne 07.10.09 @ 5:39 amI’ve had the same thing happen – needing to do a scarf or something out of THIS yarn RIGHT NOW, and the next thing you know, it turns into a gift for someone quite unexpectedly. You’ll learn the reason soon enough, Alison – you always do!
Suzanne, we’ve had a class like that at DFW Fiber Fest. Might be too far for you to travel.
Comment by Margo Lynn 07.10.09 @ 5:55 amBeautiful yarn/color. I was on a serious brick red kick years ago, and never really recovered… I’m still very drawn to it.
Comment by Channon 07.10.09 @ 6:04 amLike Don, I experienced a blast from the past. In high school there was always an International Night each year where the language classes performed skits and served international foods. I can still recall singing: “M-i-c, H-e-l, S-O-u-r-i-s… Michel Souris… Michel Souris…” Yes, the tune changes slightly for that extra letter.
Comment by LynnM 07.10.09 @ 8:37 amWhat a beautiful, deep color. I am finishing a baby sweater just now that shares a similar color story. We visited with the family of a guy my hubby works with whose family is from Turkey. We met their beautiful 3.5 month daughter. They showed us the nursery and explained that they chose the pistachio shade of green because the area of Turkey the dad was from is famous for pistachios. I had my knitting with me that day of course and received many oohs and ahhs over the tank tops I was making for my girls. I knew instantly that I needed to make a green baby sweater for their little one. Just the sleeves to go:)
Comment by TripletMom 07.10.09 @ 10:31 amI’m so glad the cloths are useful!
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