…And I need me a good bird book.
A little more water on those tomatoes.
That plum tree is going to be so hosed, no doubt about it.
And I still need a goofy picture of Marian. Shouldn’t be hard.
(Note added an hour later to draft: write it and it shall happen…)
9 Comments so far
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That’s not goofy, it’s a nice happy picture! I wish I could see one of those virtual 360 degree views of your garden. Is it ever NOT summer where you live?
Comment by LynnM 06.26.09 @ 12:01 amBuy a bird guide for North America, not just your area. You would be surprised how many species “travel through” the flyway.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 06.26.09 @ 5:13 amWhere did I put the bird guide I bought a couple of years ago? Hmmm…
Comment by Channon 06.26.09 @ 6:34 amHi Marian! Hope you’re enjoying your visit. 🙂
I have a ton of bird guides and love them all, but the premiere, creme de la creme is said to be the National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America. Youngest got me mine for my birthday a few years back..it is excellent.
Love the pics of your yard! My tomatoes are getting huge..lots of canning ahead for me.
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 06.26.09 @ 7:17 amHappy times…making memories. Enjoy the visit:)
Comment by TripletMom 06.26.09 @ 8:11 amI’ve been looking for a book on local birds myself. My Mother In Law picked one up for my specific county at her local hardware store of all places. When I was visiting her I saw a huge bird I thought might be some type of hawk. It was chasing small birds and was huge compared to the local crows. Alas by the time I had the camera it disappeared.
Comment by Michelle 06.26.09 @ 8:23 amI’ve never seen your garden in person; nonetheless, I’m impressed.
Side note to LynnM: This is California, where any time it is not summer, it’s just around the corner.
Comment by Don Meyer 06.26.09 @ 9:52 amWere you serious about wanting a bird book? This is your man.
Don, it was a rhetorical question! From you and Alison I figured it was always either summer or almost summer in CA, unlike here where we don’t just experience four seasons in a day, we can have four seasons in an hour (some suggest there’s a fifth which isn’t even mentioned in The Bible.)
Comment by LynnM 06.26.09 @ 9:57 amLeave a comment
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