There was one other thing I didn’t mention yesterday on the very remote possibility I’d be spoiling the surprise. In the late morning, we picked Richard and Kim up at the airport, got to share hugs and tell him happy birthday in person, and took them out to lunch at the place of his choosing. Pizz’a Chicago. (I can just see all the locals suddenly smiling. Good place. And the one place where even Michelle can safely eat pizza, which she loves, if we’re careful.)
Birthday cake at home. Then we dropped them off at Kim’s aunt and uncle’s house a few blocks away, where they were getting ready to surprise her grandparents, who also live in town: it was their 60th anniversary. They were expecting a small celebration. Ain’t gonna happen.
Her grandfather was in Stanford Hospital the same time I was, and Kim’s mother would visit me after visiting her dad in cardiac. Sometimes life teaches you not to take things for granted; sixty years together? Hey! Everybody! Let’s ALL celebrate–to life! And so their children and grandchildren showed up.
On the falcon front, Esteban Colbert (aka Papa bird) sat on a ledge on City Hall motionless for four hours yesterday, while his adult-sized chicks, who have not yet learned how to hunt–fledge first, one thing at a time–got hungrier and hungrier. It has been reported that one parent will fly at a group of pigeons lined up across a lightpost, and as they skitter away, the other will snatch one from behind. When you’re flying at 200+ miles per hour, you want a cushion of air under your prey, not a metal post.
But this time EC was, from his son’s point of view, sitting on his duff. So Veer flew right at him and then pushed him off that ledge! His Pigeon English conveyed the message loud and clear: feed me!
Later, Veer was seen chasing after one himself. You can just picture his father smirking–nothing like a little motivation to get a kid to do some work that he’s new at and uncertain about. (A one-on-one parent/child hunting lesson happened as I was typing this. Squab-on-the-wing. Tastes like chicken.)
We’d have offered up a slice if pepperoni/veggie had been their thing.
4 Comments so far
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Have you tried evaporated cream instead of the high fat coconut milk? – it wouldn’t have the coconut taste in the torte recipe. It might be worth a go. Be aware that American and New Zealand food products can have different names.
I use the reverse in a Thai Green Chicken Curry recipe – Health Food Guide magazine recommend using evaporated milk (which wouldn’t be the same as cream at all) and then adding coconut essence to mimic the flavour of Coconut Cream (which has a high fat content).
Comment by StellaMM 06.07.09 @ 4:48 pmI use, when I can get it, a 40-42% butterfat cream calling manufacturing cream (heavy whipping cream being a mere 32%) for those tortes. Unless I want Michelle to be able to have some, in which case no mooos is good mooos. Thank you for the Thai tip; I’ll try that out when she goes off to grad school.
Comment by AlisonH 06.07.09 @ 5:00 pmAlison, you are leaving me breathless. All I can say is see my blog tomorrow, oh , sometime after 12 noon.
A young boy had just got his driver’s licence and asked his dad if they could discuss his use of the car.
His father said he’d make a deal with his son. ‘If you bring your grades up from C to B, study your Bible and get your hair cut ….then we’ll talk about you borrowing the car.’
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he’d settle for the offer and they agreed on it.
After about six weeks his father said, ‘Son, I’m really proud of you. You’ve brought your grades up and I’ve been watching you studying your Bible.
However, I’m a bit disappointed that you haven’t had your hair cut.’
The lad paused a moment then said,
‘You know, Dad, I’ve been thinking about that and I’ve noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair and there’s a strong argument that Jesus had long hair too.’
To which his father replied, ‘Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?’
Comment by Don Meyer 06.07.09 @ 8:24 pmI love a good pizza joint! I might need to drag the Knight to our favorite, which is way out in the country…
Comment by Channon 06.08.09 @ 5:47 amLeave a comment
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