Filed under: Wildlife
A quick side note: my email glitched last week, and if I didn’t answer you, it means my inbox didn’t get your comment and there was no address for me to respond to; my apologies. And, Don is home now and again grateful for your support, as am I.
My children went through a stage as babies where they were so eager to finally be able to stand that they would pull themselves up in their cribs and stay there holding onto the top till their legs shook from exhaustion, but they just couldn’t let go to sit down again. When they finally fell down, crying because they couldn’t take it anymore, they would immediately stand right back up again, tired or no. This was something new that they’d been wanting to do that they now knew they *could* do and it was just so compelling to them to keep at it. No pleading from me or making them sit down would work, that first day; the effort finally wore them out enough for them to go to sleep.
The second day, they remembered that legs could bend and they learned how to let themselves back down when they needed to.
I happened to catch the moment: the camera was straight behind Ilahay, the female falcon chick among the four that the peregrine group was calling “ledgelings” yesterday. She and Veer were the first to get up the courage to flutter carefully to the upper ledge above the small runway that had been their home. They spent a great deal of time side-by-side up there towards evening.
She was again on that ledge today, looking out over the San Jose skyline below her. And then suddenly, as simple as that, she flew off as if she’d been doing it all her life, out and out and slightly downward. The camera, perfectly positioned, showed her there in the air supported by nothing but Life itself in all its glory. It was a heartstopping, joyful moment.
Off camera, a few hours later, Veer was practicing his flapping on top of the nest box when a gust of wind caught him, according to the watchers below, and he, too, learned he could at last fly.
She ended up on the rotunda dome of City Hall. (The nest and runway are in that piece jutting out on the left side near the top of the main building.) Veer ended up outside the mayor’s office, where the blinds got pulled so as not to disturb the little political animal.
They went without dinner, there Where The Wild Things Are. At nine pm, they were still clinging to those spots.
Tomorrow, I imagine, they will learn how to let go and climb upwards again.
10 Comments so far
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It is a treat to get to see the wonder of “firsts” as they happen. I am glad Don is home again. Hopefully between being home & all of our prayers, he will feel himself again soon.
Comment by TripletMom 06.01.09 @ 11:48 pmWhen they have grown up and gone their way we’re sure going to miss their daily travails. It gives a new/old meaning to “empty nest”.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 06.02.09 @ 4:16 amCute! And so amazing when they first take to the air.
And good to hear Don is back home! In his honor, I will share this:
A priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “Hey! What is this, some kind of joke?”
Comment by RobinH 06.02.09 @ 6:20 amBarbara-Kay, maybe Alison will keep us posted on next year’s chicks?
Comment by LynnM 06.02.09 @ 7:44 amI’ve not gotten on the website for the fledglings, but your descriptions, Alison, are quite good. Birds and young ones are fun to watch, and when they are young birds, doubly so!
I thought you would want to know about this new email virus. Even the most advanced programs from Norton or McAfee cannot take care of this one.
It appears (more frequently) to affect those who
were born prior to 1960.
     1. You send the same e-mail twice.
     2. You send a blank e-mail.
     3. You send e-mail to the wrong person.
     4. You send it back to the person who sent it to
     5. You forget to attach the attachment.
     6. You hit “SEND” before you’ve finished.
     7. You hit “DELETE” instead of “SEND.”
     8. You hit “SEND” when you should “DELETE.”
         This is called the “C-NILE VIRUS”
I’m so glad you got to see it!
Comment by RobinM 06.02.09 @ 11:54 amSo glad to hear that Don is home, and so glad to see that his “funny bone” is functioning pretty well (see his comment above mine)!
It’s fun to watch the birds in spring/summer. . .I have some robins nesting near the entrance to my office, and they took flight for the first time today. I have watched them daily since they hatched, and noticed this morning that they had ventured out of the nest and onto the ledge. I know it’s a little silly, but I’m kinda proud of them. Now, if my little birdie can find her wings as well. . .she’s off to college in the fall!
Comment by Pam 06.02.09 @ 12:26 pmGlad to hear Don is home again. Your kids were persistent, I wonder where they get it from 😉
Comment by Alicia 06.02.09 @ 1:03 pmI am happy to hear that Don is home.
Love your analogy between birds and babes.
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