This is the post I hit send on after Richard said, “Let’s go.” My computer froze and it didn’t post. We just got back (love that timestamp) from taking him to the ER. He’ll be okay.
The infectious diseases specialist was wonderful! The first thing she did coming in was to exclaim over my knitting in my hands and my shawl and to sigh that it’s a lost art.
Okay, hon, you just made friends right there. I was charmed.
When I told her I had come because I needed another opinion and some reassurance because I’d gotten such conflicting information, when I said the stoma nurses had said not to change the bag more often than every two days, she immediately said, “That’s right.”
It was exactly the appointment I’d needed, and she wants me back a week or two after the antibiotics are finished.
Let’s just hope she doesn’t google, find this, and realize I’m already looking at my stash and scheming.
12 Comments so far
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Well, of course you are. Scheming, that is.
What’s up with Richard? Is he wearing himself down again?
Take care of each other!
Comment by Margo Lynn 05.05.09 @ 3:18 amShe deserves to be “Allisoned” 🙂 Sounds like other than the ER trip you had a positive experience.
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 05.05.09 @ 4:02 amis Richard behaving himself now 😀
A doctor who gets knitting what a great thing — and you must let us know the color you choose …. and the pattern
work antibiotics work …..
Comment by rho 05.05.09 @ 5:56 amGoodness! You can’t drop a bomb like that and expect us not to worry/wonder. I hope Richard is off today, resting comforably, while you “stash dive” for the perfect yarn for the perfect gift for your new friend!
Comment by Channon 05.05.09 @ 6:17 amI do believe you have found the “soul sister” of my beloved surgeon. Now I can go off on vacation, secure that you are in good hands.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 05.05.09 @ 6:58 amER visits are stressful (and late, apparently!) — I’m glad the knitting eased the experience a little.
Comment by Jocelyn 05.05.09 @ 7:56 amMany “Whew”s. Glad only the smile of the specialist on “staph” was infectious.
Comment by LynnM 05.05.09 @ 8:24 amOkay, schemer, Richard is all right? You didn’t say much.
Doesn’t seem like medicine and knitting go together, though come to think of it, we do wait for broken bones to knit. What size needles do they use?
Fun time For you, Richard, or both):
A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, “I know what the Bible means!â€Â His father smiled and asked, “What do you mean, you ‘know’ what the Bible means?†The son replied, “I do know!†Said the father, “Okay, what does the Bible mean?†The young boy replied excitedly, “It stands for ‘Basic Information Before  Leaving Earth.’â€
The retired guy goes to the doctor and says, “Doc, I ache all over. Everywhere I touch it hurts.”
The doctor replies, “OK. Touch your elbow.”
The guy touches his elbow and winces in genuine pain.
The doctor, surprised, then states, “Touch your head.”
The guy touches his head and jumps in agony. The doctor asks him to touch his knee and the same thing happens. Everywhere the guy touches he hurts like hell.
The doctor is stumped and orders a complete examination with X-rays, etc. and tells the guy to come back in two days.
Two days later the guy comes back and the doctor declares, “We’ve found your problem.”
“Oh yeah? What is it?” asks the retiree.
“You’ve broken your finger!”
Comment by Don Meyer 05.05.09 @ 9:41 amYou made me smile. I just had a similar experience with a nurse practioner who knits. There’s an immediate bond when you can carry a conversation with someone who appreciates the knitting.
Glad you were pleased with your visit…way to go!!!
Comment by Joansie 05.05.09 @ 9:54 amGotta love the specialist. She totally deserves something. Can’t wait to see what it is!
Comment by Alicia 05.05.09 @ 11:42 amLeave a comment
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