Filed under: Family
Well. I had a blog post all planned yesterday: I often tell people in colder climates that I miss snow, to please throw a snowball for sheer glee for me if they would. Granted, it’s easy to miss the stuff when you don’t have to shovel it, I know–I was having to toss shovelfulls higher than the top of the garage just before we moved away from Merrimack.
What prompted all that is that I checked the weather forecast a few days ago: snow showers coming in Provo. SNOW? *NOW*?
So I was wondering how on earth I was going to… I mean, my shoes are of the open-heel Birkenstock clog type good for Californian weather, definitely. Can you just picture it? With each step, the snow would go flip, flip up the backs of my legs. I’d be throwing my own little snowballs. At me.
I checked again last night, though, and the forecast had changed. If it does anything, now, they say, it’ll rain. Well. That’s better, but it killed my anticipated blog post. Heh. And then Phyll and Lee showed up to surprise Richard for his late-birthday and I quit worrying about it.
Five years ago, our Sam graduated from college and I bought plane tickets to go: nontransferrable, nonrefundable, yadda yadda. Two days before the flight, I started to have a Crohn’s flare. Oy vey. I hoped it would let up. It did not.
So I called Southwest Airlines and explained my situation. They were wonderful and let me transfer my ticket into Richard’s name in spite of the restrictions, and he went instead of me on that trip.
We have two kids graduating this weekend. My colon is gone, so it can’t even think of throwing any Crohn’s at me; it’s my turn. Tie a snip of thick bright yarn on my suitcase to help mark it as mine at baggage claim–I get to go.
And if it does snow, I will scoop some up and throw my own real snowball, and it’ll be gleeful. After these last few months? Oh you betcha.
(Ed. to add: happy Earth Day to all.)
20 Comments so far
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Have a wonderfully safe journey.
And hugs to your family, I bet they are over the moon with joy that you can all do this. :-}
(And I wore birkenstocks with thick wool socks through all but the worst Michigan winters all through college. The snow just hit my slacks.
After all this super hot weather we’ve had, I can see why a little snow would be appealing. Have a good trip.
One day my husband decided to wash his sweat-shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, ‘What setting do I use on the washing machine?’              
’It depends,’ I replied. ‘What does it say on your shirt?’                 
He yelled back, ‘OHIO STAT
Oh boy, now you get to wear your Birkenstock’s with some of those wonderful hand knit socks you have! And, throw snowballs! That’s great! Have fun and give those kids extra hugs. Love, Nancy
Comment by Nancy 04.22.09 @ 3:06 pmTwo graduates! Congratulations to you and Richard. You also did a good job! Enjoy the snow.
Comment by Madeline 04.22.09 @ 4:06 pmCongrats all around on the graduating duo!
Hope your trip is the best one ever, ever.
Oh yeah, just in case you can, throw one for me, too. 😉
Prayers for a safe trip! Congratulations to the graduates!
Comment by TripletMom 04.22.09 @ 6:47 pmCongrats on the kids! And throw a snowball for me, will you?
(because we don’t have any. Yay!!)
Comment by Lene 04.22.09 @ 7:20 pmCongratulations on the wonderful achievements of graduation, and best wishes as they pursue their “life after”s.
Happy traveling, my friend!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 04.22.09 @ 8:10 pmIf indeed there is some semblance of snow, add a thrown snowball for me too!
Have a safe journey.
Comment by Kathy in San Jose 04.22.09 @ 10:11 pmHave a safe journey and a wonderful time. “Two” graduates…how thrilling. I’ll have one next month..nursing school.
Bring some knitting for the plane.
I’ve just discovered the comfort of Lands End fake crocs. Wow. I never want to take them off! Unfortunately the rain and mud pose a problem.
Enjoy commencements. BTW does this spell the end of tuition bills?
Comment by LynnM 04.23.09 @ 3:30 amYour description of throwing snowballs at yourself made me smile! I’m happy to report that the environs of Merrimack are largely snow-free these days, and the daffodils and forsythia are cheering the place up.
Congratulations to your two graduates, and have a wonderful trip!
Comment by RobinH 04.23.09 @ 6:12 amWelcome to Utah/Idaho weather. We had wind,hail, rain, snow, and sleet yesterday. I remember being in Salt Lake on our anniversary, May 17, when the snow hit–within 5 minutes we were driving in 4 inches of slush! Reality hits and it is ugly.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 04.23.09 @ 6:23 amCongrats to the graduates!
I wish you some snow just so that you can play in it and enjoy yourself 😉 If it doesn’t happen, we can always pretend, right?
Have a great trip!!!
Jumping up and down with you because you are traveling and you are doing well and you get to see your kids graduate AND you might get to see some snow!
Congratulations and best wishes all around.
And doesn’t it feel wonderful to go someplace you haven’t been able to go to before? So unutterably sweet.
Comment by RobinM 04.24.09 @ 2:51 pmYou left New England before you could learn the pleasures of Ugg’s boots! (Shearling side in and very light weight.) Next time you hanker to play in snow lemme know in advance and I’ll loan you some via mail.
I’m sure you will savor your trip — it’s events like this that make having worked through the medical issues a special gift.
Carol in MA, who is feeling a lot better than anyone thinks she should 11 days after chemo! 🙂
Comment by Carol Telsey 04.25.09 @ 6:25 amLeave a comment
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